The other side is not really represented in here now is it? it's been all GamerGate, boh anita from the get go. Anyone arguing against have been met with quite the hostility. So I only point to those present. Other places with less of a over representation are met with a different treatment, I assure you. Places like tumblr is skewed towards the other side, only the format doesn't make for very good debates when you are dealing with micro-blogs. So half my responses on there is "God, why do you keep making yourself look like idiots." That and most of them are so cought up in themselves that debating with them is impossible. Tidbit; Factual femminist is about as bad as Anita though. Its a conservetive think tank with none of what she say is anything new or fact based. It's a bunch of conservatives banking on the naivity of the GamerGate community when it comes to this. Seriusly. Did you watch it, they threw images around willy nilly like it was suppose to correlate with the point she was making. None of them did. And then she bascily ends with "Guys are guys", the single most apolegetic non-argument in the history of gender debate. It is cheap pandering, nothing actually factual about her. In fact, i find it dangerous in a way. its trying to appropriate the word Femminism to a conservetive, appologist standard. I rather see it associated with some progressive, albait crazy peole then the "roll over, men are right to act like assholes" vibe I feel from FF. They are not providing you with insight, they are providing you with propaganda bankrolled by conservetive groups. And they are able to reach people becouse of the crazies on the other side of the argument that alienate alot of people. Hence why I do not like SWj in general. It creates "us vs them." Its so easy to exploir for other groups.