[b]Wire[/b] Listening intently to the conversation going on to his side, he unclipped the chin from his mask, and with minimal noise devoured his breakfast. [i]It would appear as though we're going to be filling the role of a bodyguard. Thats a stressful role. Maybe, but all the best roles were. We're going to be up close and personal with all the un-powered crime bosses in America, and they are going to welcome us. That might not be a good thing. Hey, delayed hostility is better than immediate hostility. True. In fact, I don't know why I'm arguing against this, as I don't have a choice. I'll need a gun though. Obviously. Anything else? ... No I think thats about it. Good good.[/i] He continued refueling his stomach as his new buddy shot him a quick glance. His face betrayed a subtle anxiety. "Right, boss, just a couple question. One, where's this meetin' going to take place? Even if'n it's on neutral ground, might not hurt to suss out the joint, yeah? Two, who exactly are we meeting with and what groups do they represent? If there's gonna be blood spilled, fine, just wanna know what to expect. Yardies ain't like Yakuza, they use different weapons and tactics. I may not be a boy scout, but I do like to always be prepared." Before he would reply to his anxieties, Wire slowly turned to look at him and held his gaze for a full 3 seconds. Although his mouth was now visible, his voice was still going through a filter. "What you should expect are a large number of armed men waiting to be impressed and hate having their time wasted. And correct me if I'm wrong, but Marconi and Music are going there to persuade them to part with their valuable Metas so they can better fight off Legion. There are going to be bosses there happy to watch the competition burn, and there are going to be people there who don't want to give away their most valuable assets. The former are short sighted idiots, and the latter are cautious and probably hoping the League will finish them off first. One of them are dangerous, and the other puts their hope in what is doomed to fail." He took another mouthful of cereal, swallowed and continued. "So really, if we're going to be dealing with anything it'll be an upstart who wants to take out the competition before anyone else can. If thats the case, they'll be outnumbered by the bosses that [i]don't[/i] want to bow down to Legion, but they'll have us outgunned. If they're going to try a takeover, they're going to have some kind of trump card that they think will turn the tables. It'll quite likely be a Meta." Wire pointed his spoon at the two he realised he was talking at instead of to. "But I wouldn't be too worried. They'll be forgetting that they're not the only one with access to superpowers. And as to where we're going to have the meet? It wouldn't hurt to arrive early." Wire was content to give his insight to the situation. Perhaps he'd given a good impression. Either way, something was bugging him. Why would a man like Ross be showing some anxiety? And what was that about Yakuza? He assumed that he'd spent time in Japan, and that the anxiety came from facing an unknown foe. But that couldn't be right.. Although it would make sense if he was an import: he'd never heard of him before. He paused for a second to clear out his head and everything around him stopped. He was going to think this one through. [i]..So, Ross appeared on the American map moderately recently. He's uneasy at the prospect of the meet. He's the friendly type, but now I know he isn't volatile. If he were, then he'd be a cocky prick; he wouldn't be so calculating. If we piece that together, then we have an apparently good guy who came out of nowhere. Innocent enough. Until we start to dissect why he's nervous. It could easily be because he doesn't want to enter a killing floor. But then why would he mention the fact that the folks he'll possibly be fighting aren't what he's used to? Thats a deflection. It has to be a deflection. And I don't buy that he'd be shaken up no matter how minutely by a change of opponent. ... Maybe there is someone he wants to avoid? He asked who was going to be there, as if there were people he didn't want to see. In that case, I really doubt that he'd just recently shown up. He had some history here. He was used to fighting American gangsters contrary to his claim. ... There are too many possibilities here to deal with. I should watch him closely; he's bound to slip up eventually.[/i] No change in emotion reached his body: it couldn't react fast enough for the small twitches that usually accompanied deep thought. Time snapped back to normal, and he buried his spoon into the bowl. He waited for his vocal opinions to be critiqued.