[center] I fully understand the point you're getting at. It isn't well represented and really, both sides are met with a ton of hostility. Particularly, SJWs are viewed as the plague of the internet and those pro-Gamergate are treated as "nerds defending their hobby". No way in the furthest stretch of the imagination would I use satire to make any claims to make a point. [b][u]Update:[/u][/b] I noticed you were talking about this thread. I believe like most sites, we have a sense of user bias. That being said, Tumblr actually hates Zoe Quinn aside from a small group, almost as much as 4chan dislikes her. From what I've seen anyway. However, I have massive biased for SJWs for mistreatment myself so I should not be put anywhere near them on debate of any kind, but I'm glad you lot enjoyed the videos, =P. [/center]