Jason attempted to dodge the attacks of the insect, and failed. While his armor did take most of the damage for him, the boy felt a few of the stings. Damn that thing was annoying. As the boy stood there, Pixie launched herself at Shroedinger and cut deep into her leg with her scythe. Jason watched as his friend went down. Then he watched as the Docking clamp stole the scythe from Pixie's grasp. Jason was stunned for a second before he shook himself out of the shock and ran forward. Shoving Pixie roughly out of his way. "Come on Shroe. I got you." He says quietly to her as he scoops her up. "Saber 3. 2 is currently down. I have no idea whether or not she can still walk. It's a pretty nasty wound. I'm putting her back on board her ship and making it autopilot back to the fleet. Think your ship could give you and me a ride back after we take the ship?" He says over their comms.