Alex was busy carrying two two subjects on his shoulders until they could walk on their own. The few traps and positions they encountered led to him interjecting himself a few more times to protect the group, but these things barely even scratched him compared to what the rocket did to his upper body. When both could walk, he started scouting ahead. As the group reached a new area, there were often a few corpses where he had assassinated them as he surveyed the area. He led them around traps or had already disabled the guns. Eventually, they reached the outside world. He still never once relaxed. He kept scouting and checking perimeters. He took note of survival items and began gathering food and plants of water from the desert as they traveled. In the forest, he stopped the group and started to set up a fire pit. He began to ask some of the capable survivors to build shelters while he got the prickly pears cooking so they could get some nutrition. [hider=For Shin]You notice that 080 tends to keep a closer eye on Six than the rest of the group, though he is obviously trying to not let it be noticed too much. It can be assumed he is looking for a moment to speak with her at camp, but he needs to prepare some food to get everyone a chance to rehydrate and get nutrients.[/hider] Valdis followed the group, intentionally lagging behind and out of sight. She would take time whenever they were delayed to observe and seek out who she might get along with. She also calculated what she expected might be a good way to eventually introduce herself. As the group left the building, she followed, keeping quiet and avoiding casual observance. She saw a man scouting around. He seemed to be stone-like and she knew he saw her. Since she made no attempts to act hostile, he simply kept an eye on her and expanded his route to be within range to run to her. She recognized his tactical decision and even somewhat respected him for it. She didn't have to make her presence known, he simply determined she was one of them and moved to possibly cover her if danger comes along. He also respected her desire to not be noticed and never once mentioned to their de facto leader that she was following. [i]Curious. He might actually be the one I track down and contact. Might be a couple others I might talk to prior to making myself fully known, but his discretion is admirable.[/i]