[hider=Music Accompaniment] ~Inspired by Jedcakes~ [youtube]UKFG4rftX2A[/youtube] [/hider] Rielle had not hesitated a moment after having been given permission to take Gen along for a flight, and tugged him over the railing a bit haphazardly. It didn't take long for her to get behind him and slip her arms under his, and once she felt ready, she flapped her wings and brought them straight up into the sky. Though his extra weight made her work harder to fly, it didn't take long for her to adjust and go at her normal speed. During this time, Gen was being rather calm, and a part of her wanted to do a flip just to tease him, but she didn't. Instead she smiled and let them glide along above the few airships that were headed towards Beacon as well. [b][i]“We’ll have to wait for our luggage... Now I miss my hoodie. It’s pretty cold up here.”[/i][/b] he had said calmly. Rielle hadent thought about that before kidnapping the boy, but didn't the workers bring your luggage for you anyway. ...And was he really complaining? She started to ask if setting him ablaze would make him feel better, but then upon a glance up, she saw the biggest, fluffiest, most pillowy looking cloud in the sky. [b]"Aha! Up there! Let's find out what that one tastes like!"[/b] she said excitedly before banking to the left and ascending slowly. She would likely not go higher than the cloud just above them, because the air was thinner so high up, and she didn't want to risk the guy passing out on her. That would just make this whole situation awkward... more so than it was already. Rielle had managed to get them to the cloud, and as she flew through it, she closed her eyes. [i]This is just what I needed. I guess the whole start of this new journey won't end up irritating after all.[/i] she thought to herself before opening her eyes again. She flew in and out of the cloud a few times, and on the last time coming out, she stopped flying, just flapping her wings so that they could stay in the same spot. [b]"Beacon is just down there!"[/b] she said, turning them to face the large academy grounds. She noticed a few airships had already landed, letting the students pour out of them like ants in a mound and some were just arriving, waiting for the empty ones to move so that they can take their spots. [b]"I hate that it is over so soon. Once you get a taste of what the sky is like, the Earth never seems as good anymore. No pun intended."[/b] she said with a giggle. Though she knew she should be getting them back on the ground, Rielle really didn't want to leave the sky just yet. She wanted to fly more, but all the same, Gen likely had other things he wanted to do as well. [b]"Well, did you like the taste of that cloud?"[/b] she asked him, as she turned to start her descent towards Beacon. Suddenly a large object would fill her vision, and cast the two of them in a shadow with its size. A large airship was coming straight towards them. No, it was only seconds away from crashing into them. She could see through the glass, the worried expression of the capitan and his crew as he desperately tried to maneuver the ship out of their way, but it was in vain, and Rielle had noticed too late for her to react. Rielle's backside had met the ship painfully, at whatever speed it was going. She lurched forward and her arms slipped out from under those belonging to Gen as she turned to glare angrily at the crew inside. [b]"Hey! Watch where you guys are flying! The sky not big enough for ya!?"[/b] she said pounding the glass with her fists like a child. She had reached out to hold on to a piece of metal that stuck out from the side of the ship to keep from falling, and that was when she noticed the crew inside were making some weird kinds of gestures. Each member was wide eyes and pointing to Rielle and then at their feet. She frowned and glared at them. [b]"I can't hear what they're saying, can you Gen?"[/b] And that was when she realized. [b]"Gen Hio!?"[/b] she called, looking around, and then below her. There he was, pretty much free falling to his death. With a light gasp, she tucked in her wings and shot straight down towards him as fast as she could. She reached him in no time, but grabbing him was a different story. She reached her arms out, trying to grab at his shirt and then his hands, and his hair even. She couldn't get a good grip and she actually laughed a little. He was probably terrified. [b]"Dont worry! I gotcha!"[/b] she yelled so he could hear her over the roar of the wind. In an effort to slip her hands under his arms, she ended up just colliding with his back, and when she did, she hugged him tightly and unfolded her wings. Slowly she would guide the two of them towards the docks where the airships were, giggling and grinning the entire time. As they approached the ground, she hoped his legs would be working to catch their fall, or else this landing was going to be fun for her, and painful for him.