[quote=Stryder] "I honestly don't know who Spiderman is but if he's the original and you're his son and if you can do everything I can....how about you prove it sometime? Maybe we can race.." Cassius said, a grin on his face, maybe he'd make a good friend, someone to stick with in school no pun intended. [/quote] Jack honestly sort of liked this guy. Not a stick in the mud like Ben but cool. He could maybe make a friend. That would be nice. "Second person who does not know who he is. Whatever. Yah we could race. Just not right this minute. I'm kinda out of it right now." He said smiling. "So Cassius what brings you here?" He asked curious. Ryan He looked at Phoebe. "Nice to meet you!" He said smiling the trademark Allen smile. The one that said he had way too much faith in himself. He looked her over. "I'm usually a good judge of powers but I have no idea with you. Super Speed is mine. What about you?" He asked still smiling.