The captain escorted both of the royal children into a firmly guarded room that held only a barred window to see outside, and only one door to enter and leave. Six guardsmen along with the captain positioned themselves outside the door right after checking every corner and shadow from the inside first, a servant stood inside to treat Ramius' and Eline's every wish, those that could be done without leaving the room of course. Rest of the royal guard begun to sweep the castle perimeter in case Elliard was not alone. Archibaus was informed of the intruder by now. He shrugged it off, it wasn't too uncommon that an assassin would target him or his royal family nowadays. It was only the matter of fact that the assassin was a simple peasant that caught his attention. He stood up from his throne and dismissed his advisers, before ordering four royal guards with him as he went to the dungeon, and entered Elliard's cell. He wasn't really angry, but he wasn't happy either."I came here and expected an assassin." He spoke and looked down at Elliard with his soulpiercing eyes."But instead I found a farmer, and a brat instead. What are you doing here, peasant? Do you not have decent enough life at your farm, is a certain death so much better option?" He kept on speaking without removing his eyes from the boy.