Ramius gritted his teeth as he and Eline were escorted to the room, he hated it perhaps more than anything in his little world. He bitterly thought about his lost eyesight and remarked to himself that the assassin would be dead by now if he'd still have the use of his eyes. The prince did his best to keep his temper in check as he walked to the barred window and took hold of one of the metal bars with his right hand. His knuckles soon turned white from the force of his clenched fingers. "I hate this room..." Ramius muttered and shook his head and turned to the general direction of Eline "...Even with you here it's so... empty. I know it is, even though... Well, you know." He rolled his pale green eyes and sat down under the window. "Sometimes I think that father is going mad with his... protectiveness." The prince sighed and held his head. "With the way things are going I really hope I'll never get my eyesight back... I'd hate to see the condition the castle is in... Even the old statues from the garden are gone... Hell, I'm surprised that there even is a garden any more..." Ramius shook his head and closed his eyes. "I wouldn't even make too good a king I think. I'd be a better adviser or general..."