[centre][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/788x362q90/661/CIbMZx.png[/img][/centre] There had been one try. Just one try from Mark to reconcile with Kate. Had he any doubts about her answer he merely needed to look in the mirror. Her footprint probably still showed on his throat. There were more pressing concerns than the emotions of a god damn backstabbing, yet good looking guy. Kate was looking at it. The Skinny guy – looking even more worn than last time, some people in similar suits, and what looked like sergeants in some kind of private military. All from the Cabrillo Group and all awaiting her word. And now that she knew the layout of the LAPD headquarters she indeed had word. A massive concrete building. Thick, yet open to the public. Caro was being held underground - deep in a guarded cell. [i]Cameras! Locked door! About a hundred officers and staff![/i] This place was very well equipped to deal with her kind. And the last ace in the hole: The new favorites of this city would probably be nearby. [i]But, but, but Nothing is impossible,[/i] she reminded herself. [i]Even God had to rest on the 7th day.[/i] Judging from Kate’s current tone, one would think she was ordering a menu at McDonalds. [b]“You know about me - you know how I deal. I need my fee up front. I need your guys to follow my instructions. And I need it done without questioning. This is my party. You…”[/b] The last word was followed by her signaling the scarecrow of a man to step forward. No longer such a stranger to her, no longer the one in power. [b]“I need attack dogs,[/b]” she continued in a commanding manner. [b]“A full scale assault will be launched at LAPD head-frickin-quarters, and they need to be the ones doing it. And… they need to be packing some serious juice. This isn’t your everyday Sunday game. Shit is going down.”[/b] [b]“We can do our part. If needed, we can do it without it even tracing back to Cabrillo.[/b]” The voice originated from one of the military guys, suggesting that his men were more than just soldiers. [b]“I trust, you do it well,[/b]” she smirked while not removing her eyes from the skinny man. Unlike his tight suit, she was wearing clothing a lot more practical; black top and jeans of soft material. A professional’s wear in her line of duty. Even if she was a professional enjoy every minute of it. [b]“Anyway, the assault will merely be a diversion, yet a diversion packing some serious firepower. The Government pricks need to send their greatest to combat it or see the building crumble down. However, they will probably see through this clunky move rather fast.”[/b] Kate finally looked around and sent each and every one a taste of her unique smile. [b]“This is why we need more than attack dogs. Nothing short of a champion will do.”[/b] [b]“A champion?”[/b] the skinny man now questioned. [b]“A champion. Placed in the midst of the building once the tenth circle of hell breaks loose. I need it done, gentlemen, and I need it done tomorrow morning.”[/b] Here the scarecrow left the spot he had been standing so patiently. The way everyone looked to him suggested he was in charge, and the way he circled her, as he had done on a previous occasion, suggested that he was indeed Gifted. Even with the awkward steps and visible signs of discomfort there was something about him. Something almost divine. Yet for the moment he looked to Kate for help. [b]“What kind of champion?”[/b] he asked surprisingly soft, when his limping walk had taken him behind her. [b]“He needs to handle himself singlehandedly against whatever the fortress throws at him.”[/b] [b]“We got several.”[/b] [b]“He needs to be able to engulf the entire building in flames should he want to,”[/b] was then added by her. [b]“We got some.”[/b] [b]“He needs be able to succeed. Needs to actually be so powerful that when aimed right he can actually take out Caro. He must bring the frickin apocalypse, and apply some good ol’ Armageddon to it.”[/b] That was when the room turned silent. Everyone awaiting the thin man’s response, even Kate, though she did it with a lot more confidence. [b]“We got one. His name… Elijah Craigh.”[/b]