Roman's earlier outburst at Conrad had been dissipated by the words of Lord Gori and Lord Barad's Eldfolk seer. They were a sobering reminder that the continent of Elyden was not alone in the world, and there were just as many threats within as there were off-land. However, Elyden needed to prioritize the issues presented to it, considering the fractured state of its houses, and the lack of a true leader hindered its capability to act significantly. “Lord Gori and the seer address principal threats that Elyden must contend with," Roman spoke. He'd pushed himself upright, stooping as he leaned on the table. "With the absence of organized leadership in Skyhaven, a renegade claiming a seat on the throne and assassins loose throughout the continent, we cannot afford to properly contend with the Black Continent issue as of yet." Roman turned towards the lords of Houses Ashtoken and Marrow, a briefly sympathetic expresion cast on his face. "We have too much to be concerned with at home to investigate abroad." "While I pray the armies of that accursed place are idle, I fear the eastern houses must be prepared to defend themselves until we are less fragmented. Elyden is in no shape to mount a preemptive attack on the Black Continent; not without order restored in the Capital. If an invasion truly is on the horizon, we must make haste and consolidate our strength to defeat it as one. If the beastmen are so bold as to step on our shores, then we must meet them there. This should not be the concern of the east alone." "That said, House Benedikt willingly lends its cooperation to take back the Crown,” Roman declared. “Naught else can be done until Skyhaven is restored to order.”