Kaesey cringed as she watched the tiny drops of blood fall and splatter on the boy's pristine shirt, instantly staining the fabric in that way that only blood and red wine could. [b]"Dangit!... And here you were doing so well until I came along!"[/b] She slumped back against the trunk, sliding into a sitting position beside him with a mournful expression that clearly showed how she blamed herself for the blood stain. [b]"Ever have that feeling that everything you do ends in like... an explosion? No, wait I meant to say 'a [i]disaster[/i]'? Although I guess an explosion [i]could[/i] be a disaster..."[/b] Glancing up at the new boy who approached them, the one who liked to mix things and was apparently too shy to say 'Hello', she pointed to him with a tiny finger. [b]"[i]HE[/i] knows what I'm talkin' about! Explosions and disasters and people telling us not to touch things, AM-I-RIGHT!?"[/b] The suit wearing boy's words suddenly registered in KK's mind, however, and she immediately perked up again. [b]"Wait! That recipe [i]does[/i] work on human blood! This day can still be saved!"[/b] Springing to her feet, she jabbed a hand into the air and took up what she thought was a victorious pose but which actually looked quite ridiculous. [b]"The supplies we need will be found in the nearest kitchen and janitorial closet!"[/b] After blinking several times at the students passing by, the ones giving her almost fearful looks, she dropped back into a normal person's stance and spun to offer the stained suit boy a hand to his feet. [b]"We should probably go to the assembly first, though... My name's Kaesicius, by the way, but my friends call me Kaesey!... Or KK... Or Kay... I'm sure if I had any friends they would use at least [i]one[/i] of those!"[/b] Her round face was beaming with her brilliant smile as if she'd barely even listed to the things she'd been saying for the past several minutes.