Title: The Vigilant Guard Name: Kurn Wolfstalon Appearance: (This is my actual Space Wolves Warlord. I am, hopefully, soon going to get him professionally painted.) [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t1.0-9/10430822_10204425606743163_2094293824615775708_n.jpg?oh=d5d6672f30e56bf878a4df4cd6f4cafc&oe=54C59700&__gda__=1418351491_a8df7d9705c53586a35baaa2c8b84284[/img] Equipment/Weapons Loadout: Force Staff, Psy-Cannon, Runic [i]Tartaros-patter[/i] Terminator Armour, Belt of Russ. Psychological Profile: A being of indeterminate mental condition. Having lost most of his chapter to a trap by their most hated of enemies, the Thousand Sons, Kurn has become increasingly more desperate, turning away from some of the more established doctrines in order to ensure the safety of humanity. Many would call him a heretic for actually rescuing an Eldar Farseer, but desperate times called for desperate measures, as he see's it, the Eldar are deceitful, but they share a common enemy in Chaos, and with the destruction of the holy mothers of Fenris and Terra, allies are a commodity that one must suffer aliens to live in order to survive. Kurn may be a Rune Lord, but he will always be at the forefront of the charge, riding astride Russ, his great Cyberwolf. Much like his Primarch, he believes that Psyker powers do not give one the right to fight without honour, but can be used to tip the tide of battle in his favour. Brief Biography: A being of great psyker potential, born on the Holy Mother, Fenris, he grew up as most youths did, hunting in the unforgiving wastes. Then, one night, whilst still a boy, his brother took him out fishing, an activity that they both enjoyed. Whilst on the ice, they were confronted by a giant Fenrisian Thunderwolf, a creature that his tribe considered to be invincible behemoths. The Wolf attacked his brother, who barely managed to escape, thanks to the intervention of Kurn, who roared a roar that the great Wolf King, Leman Russ, would have been proud. The Wolf doubled over in pain before seemingly being lifted into the air and thrown clear across the lake. It retreated and Kurn fell unconcious, but just before he did, he saw [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120423203120/es.warhammer40k/images/c/c7/Ulrik_el_Matador.jpg]The image of a giant, metal man, clad in the pelt of a wolf, and adorning his head with its skull, approaching him.[/url] the Sky Warriors came for him, taking him to their great fortress atop the highest mountain on Fenris. They tortured him far beyond the breaking point of any 7 year old, but it was all because they knew he could take it, they sensed a powerful connection to The Warp inside of him. He was taken to the middle of the wastes and braved the 1000 mile walk back to the fortress, as all aspiring Sky Warriors do, and upon returning, was greeted by the Wolf Lord, Ulrik. Over the following years, he was trained by the various Rune Priests, before his powers grew to the extent that he was given to Njal Stormcaller, the Rune Lord, for training. Eventually, he was finally sent into battle for the Space Wolves. Fighting against the forces of Chaos. His psyker powers proved enough to overcome even a Great Unclean One. The rest of the campaign proved successful and he was granted Terminator Honours for his feats agains the Daemons. He was then placed under the direct command of Wolf Lord Mogh Ironfang. Mogh was an excellent commander, specializing in mechanized warfare, as with most other "Iron" lords. Kurns abilities to control the elements proved useful, creating blizzards to mask their approach, summoning ice shard storms to cut down the unsuspecting foes, and even manifesting the jaws of the World Wolf in order to destroy their more heavily armoured enemies. The pair cut a bloody swath through the chaos lines that surrounded the Eye of Terror. But, it was not to last, when Abaddon finally succeeded in his plans of expanding the Eye of Terror, their battlegroup was answering a distress call from the Mordian sector, which, Although fortunately took them away from the Eye before it engulfed them, Cadia and the Holy Mother Fenris, unfortunately turned out to be a chaos trap, set by The Emperor's Children. Mordia fell in 180 hours... Even the assistance of Eldar that had followed the Slaaneshi worshipers in order to ambush them once they sprung their trap, proved in vain, Mogh was killed in a duel against the Chaos Lord, succeeding in killing him, but too weakened by the fight to fend off the Keeper of Secrets that rose from the fallen Chaos Lords body. Kurn accepted the field-promotion to Rune Lord in order to take control of the remaining forces and called in the all-retreat. Knowing that the battle was lost and planning to take their forces to regroup, before committing to a counter attack. With the extreme losses at Mordia, his Space Wolves number only 79. But, took solace in that he was able to rescue over a thousand Mordian Guard that joined his cause. Just as he was in the planning stages of the counter attack, he received word that a fleet was massing at Vigil and so set course. If humanity was at its twilight, then it was going to go down fighting.