Elric walked over to the center of the Rakdos tent to "warm up", for lack of a better term. He had to check the height of the ceiling, and it was good. No chance of setting everything ablaze. Destroying the property of other guilds would earn a reward. Destroying Cult property would probably earn him one of the more inventive Rakdos punishments. He went into a calm trance, feeling his mana bonds... and his skin exploded into ten-foot flames. Fireballs appeared in his avatar's hands, and he started juggling them. Off the knee, behind the back, even between his legs. His skills were just as sharp as ever, so he let the flames extinguish themselves. He shook his head several times to clear his head of the pain. He wouldn't be able to do this again today, the agony was too much. Even Rakdos Cultists had their limits. He knew he'd be able to perform for the crowds tomorrow, however. The show must go on, and all that.