[[AS RAENA]] “Yes, there was a fire over there, but no left overs… I am SO disappointed. It smelled good too!” Raena said as she skipped alongside Veragwen. Well, skipped as best she could with Nayash’s hammer in her left hand, stopping her otherwise light movements. She remved one of the leafy branches she still had in her hair, and then wiped some of the dirt off her face, and then booped it on Veras cheek, smiling as she did. “Kill eachother? That sounds hurtfull. Why would they do that?” Raena shot back at Veraqwen as she mused loud to herself. “Whatever, if they do, theres more food for me!! “ She cheered and skipped once more before Vera grabbed her hand and led her somewhere. It wasn’t long before she heard the sounds of someone hammering, and immediately Raena flicked herself lose from Veras grip and rushed ahead with Nayashes war hammer. “DO YOU NEED REINFORCEMENTS MARA?” Holding up Nayashes hammer her smile stretched across her face, laughing at her own joke. Then she dropped it as she noticed newcomers. “OH who are YOU suspiciouslooking guys? We were a girls crew! Then jesus.. Jeebus. Jerkus. Whatever his name came by, well he isn’t a jerk .. He has bunnies, but anyway, who are you? New guys in the girls crew. Ffancysmancy ones too! EXPLAIN yourselves! “ She blurred out as she rushed indoors, dropping the hammer where she had stood only moments ago, eyeing them suspiciously one after another. “Oo Caelyn!” Her attention shifted. “YOURE ALRIGHT!” She jumped over and hugged Caelyn, perhaps a bit too tight, and then skipped over to Nayash. “Dread sis, I found you your thingy! Your smasher! Its outside. Ooh, wait Ill get it for you!” Before Nayash managed to answer, she then skipped outside and picked up the hammer, dragging it inside, slamming against the door and tipping over a chair as she did, then she dropped at the side of the table, leaning it vertically when it settled, with a THOMP. “That is some heaviness there. PHEW.” She exclaimed then thumped down on the floor beside it, seating herself on her knees looking ready to bounce up at any moment.