Hot Rod smiled as he saw Sonja come into view, and was glad that she was okay. He replied, "I'm glad your okay too." He felt sadness enter his mind when she said that some of their teammates didn't survive the prison riot and he realized that he was also very lucky to be alive, because he could died as well especially when Polaris knocked him unconscious. He owed his survival to his teammates and hoped to repay them if the time ever came. "The life of a hero isn't as flashy and cool as the public sometimes thinks it is" he said with slight smile. When she talked about the prisoners that the League were interrogating, he wondered if he could be of any help. Interrogation wasn't really his thing and he was mist certainly not one for torture. "The good cop, bad cop routine is not really my thing, I leave that to the darker hero types like Pariah. The best I could do is vibrate my hand quick enough to make it feel like their using a very powerful joke firelight that gives off the feeling of being shocked, I'm just can't torture someone with my fire powers, it wouldn't feel right to me" he replied to Sonja. --- Once they were back at the Hall, St Francis had an eagle, a bluejay, a cardinal and a humming bird perch on him and staff before her entered the building. Having the animals with him made him feel better while he was in the artificial head quarters of the League. While he was following the others, Francis spotted Zenith talking with Abaddon and he gave shiver at the sight of the man. Even though he was in his normal form, Francis' divine senses showed him what was inside of the man and it made him feel repulsed by the sight of the hero, and the birds on his shoulder gave distressful calls. The birds shared his feelings, and Francis knew that he would never grow to really trust the man.