[quote=KiraChan] Jinx sat up trying not to lean into the man's personal space "Uh... Ok?" she cleared her throat and gave a soft glance at the men and the two women in the office, she was a bit dumbfounded as none of them had made a move to seduce her into a relationship. She was one of the most beautiful creatures here on earth but pailed in comparrison to the queen of her species, she had men from all over trying to get a taste of her, but not Jinx for she was a mer secratary for her heinass... Here on earth the humans flocked after her but nobody in the office had ever shown any kind of attraction to her, she'd know becase she can sense it. [/quote] Makoto glanced at her once again. He had been attracted to her, but he managed to simply shove those feelings aside, because the last time he had fallen in love with someone, he never saw her again after he graduated high school, so he didn't want to fall in love out of fear that another person would just disappear. So he stayed completely, and utterly, alone...