Elijah's eye widen in fear. It was the first time in years he had felt that kinda pain. As quickly as he could he killed his powers. It was moments like this that he was the most thankful for the life had lead. He clutched his arm and pulled it tightly to his chest but none of this happened be screaming obscenities and jumping up and down like a little girl. "That was...! So uncool! Asshole! Shit that hurt! Last time I am going to be nice!" He made a mental note that he really need to keep a better eye out for other people. He always had trouble with target fixation. It normally wasn't that much of an issue, as he normally more careful than to be this nice about it. Normally it was a quick in and out. Kill everyone there and leave. Fire was alway great from pure wanton destruction, almost nothing was like it. Plus Elijah had a little Ace in the hole, a slight advantage that should have been apparent to everyone but wasn't. It was then he saw something Ruby do something was beyond her own stupidity. She leap and charge at the burning hand guy. The pain barely had time to go away before she went into action. Normally he was an action first kinda guy but the stupidity of this action cause him shout a very select few words. "Oh... You stupid bitch. You stupid skankopotamus." That was his last word before jumping into action. Erupting his right hand he sent a pillar of fire towards the girl. The blast was short, only five seconds long but it was more than enough to get any point across. This now, however game on and this had to be dealt with quickly. There was much more to be done than this fight today, even though he didn't exactly know what it was today. He did know he didn't want to be bothered by this any longer than he had too. As soon as he was done with his long fireball attack, he launched himself in the air by erupting his legs. At the peak of his arc he erupting both arms and throw short blasts at the girl. The moment he touched the ground he could only think of one move to make, grab Ruby and run. Running away to fight another day, plus he had no intel on these people let alone no real reason to fight them. Plus this one dude had the ability to mess with his mind. Not something he wanted to deal with right now. Scooping her up in his arm, he erupted his legs. Even with the added weight of Ruby he was more than surprised at the amount of boost and lift he could get going when he wanted too. In a diagonal movement he kept blasting, he wasn't all that fast flying at a sustained rate but in short two and three second burst he was very fast. After only two minutes of flying he had to have been more than a couple of miles away. He landed on a rooftop with little doubt in mind that they should be in the clear. However getting on to the rooftop wasn't the clear part. It was getting inside and hiding out for that should kill the search. He had all the trouble he could stand for the time being. Erupting his foot his one last time Elijah kicked the rooftop door open and kicked it shut. It was the first deep breath he had for some time. "Damn girl, next I say... Please just run the fuck away" He pleaded with her as he set her down and slid down the wall of the roof top stairwell. He took another deep breath and yawned right after. He was getting a little tired but some rest here would cure all of it. "Destination unknown Ruby ruby ruby ruby soho/" He sang softly to himself.