[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv6L967ALbM&list=UU5nc_ZtjKW1htCVZVRxlQAQ] Embers[/URL] [b]Compassion:[/b] Gen watched as the ship dwindled in size, being surpassed by Rielle’s mastery in aerodynamics. He couldn’t fathom the maximum strength of the faunus’ wings, being able to lug around his modest body mass of 109 pounds, along with his firearm which added another ten units for her to carry, and her own serrated bow. It was daunting about how unique the girl was, but he then attempted to wrap his mind around the diversity of the remaining student body. How many other students were born with such talented strengths? He glanced up at the classmate, whose eyes were focused on the air before them. Deep in concentration, Rielle had an expression of longing on her face, as if she was searching for something in particular. Her eyes widened in glee, affirming her target. [b][i] "Aha! Up there! Let's find out what that one tastes like!"[/i][/b] Rielle proclaimed as Gen followed her line of sight, setting his eyes on a snowwhite cloud. The nimbus hovered in their direction as they made their approach. He couldn’t help but to thank Exuberance for making such a query earlier. After all, if the overly-inquisitive persona never asked the question, the words would have never slipped out of Gen’s mouth. If E. was here right now, he would be an overly-emotional mess of happiness. Aside from his childish actions, he would probably find the taste of the precipitation more enjoyable. Even though the water failed to rile his taste buds, Gen decided to play along and nod in approval after they brushed closely with the fluffy mass. The teen took a peek at Rielle’s expression, [i]”Guess she’s enjoying this as well.”[/i] It would be unfair if he was the only one who was fond of the flight, as she was one going through the hassle of piloting. The experience was quite the continuation to his first chapter; an encounter with a faunus capable of flight, and a trip inspired by the manifestation of a seventeen year old’s sub-conscious. After a few maneuvers through the cloud, Rielle brought them to a halt and hovered in place, giving them a bird’s eye view of the academy. From their given height, they could see the entirety of the campus. Gen was mostly focused on the main building, a shining pinnacle amongst the smaller school buildings scattered on the floating island. Airships were already docking at the ports, pouring with new and returning students. “They look like ants from up here.” He commented, raising his cuffed hands to his mouth. Proceeding to exhale into them, he rubbed his palms together to generate some warmth. [b][i]"Well, did you like the taste of that cloud?"[/i][/b] Rielle asked as they began their descent towards the school. “Um, yeah. Never been this high in the sky, thanks for the flight. I truly appreciate it.” He said sparingly with his words, still preoccupied with scrounging up some heat. It took Gen a few seconds to notice the shadow which had crept on the two. He glanced back and realized its owner was only a few inches colliding with his face. Lacking any control over the situation, the teen felt himself spun around a complete 180 degrees. His friend took it upon herself to bear the pain, letting out a shrill cry as the ship collided with her back. Gen had no time to feel remorseful for the girl, as he suddenly noted the fact that Rielle had retracted her arms to soothe the area of contact. “Wait a se-” The boy managed to blurt out before he plummeted through the air, feeling the wind on his back as he decreased altitude at a frightening rate. Being taken by utter surprise, Gen didn’t take the time to think to himself and expressed his thought aloud, “Well, this is quite the turn of events!” He shouted as the tie which was originally tucked into his shirt now blew uncontrollably within his vision. “Hey, T., are you there?” The teen asked in a distressed voice, hoping the persona would quickly respond. [i]”Yeah, I’m here. It seems you’re in quite the predicament. I take it you need my help?”[/i] The nonchalant tone of voice the persona was renowned voice failed to fit the situation by the slightest. “Alright, good, good! So what are my chances of surviving?” While waiting for T’s response, Gen tried to reach for the firearm on his back. His attempts were futile, as the air flowing in the opposite direction completely overpowered him. [i]”Well, in the case you actually manage to get a hold of Sagaciter, given the counteracting force which you can generate along with your semblance… Yeah, you’re screwed. Perhaps you can start flapping your arms like those girl’s wings, that might work?”[/i] The blunt and crude synopsis Tactician gave displeased him greatly, though the persona did remind him of the aerodynamically adept girl. Gen began to calm down and regained his serene composure, by now Rielle probably realized his absence. As he fell through a cloud, he could feel small beads of mist gather on the back of his neck, “So, what do you think of Rielle. As a teammate, that is?” It was somewhat pitiful, a teen having a conversation with his own mental creation, but it was a good way to kill the few moments. [i]”Judging from what I’ve seen so far, she’s anatomically capable, probably excels in close-to-mid range oriented combat. An asset to the team, but not a leader. She can easily compliment your support role in combat, being able to get up in any enemy’s face. It’s going to be interesting fighting alongside her, along with the other two you will meet tomorrow.”[/i] As the persona finished its analysis, a grin formed on Gen’s face, “Ah, here she is. Glad we won’t become a splat on the earth, right T?” He joked as a silhouette appeared from behind the cloud, out of it flew the phoenix faunus, her arms reaching for him. Either than nearly strangling him to death when she attempted to grab Gen by the tie, Rielle freed the boy from his freefall by wrapping her arms around his chest. He could have sworn that the girl was laughing while gracefully saving him. “That was a close one, right?” Hio cocked his head as they descended at a faster rate, arriving at the academy five minutes prior to the nearly -exploded vessel. He couldn’t help but to laugh along with Rouge as they reached the docks. But it slowly dawned on him who would be making their landing. As Rielle started bleating speed, Gen braced his substitute landing gear; his own two legs. “This is going to hurt, isn’t it?” As the gap between them and the concrete surface closed, the teen attempted to keep a stable footing, running in lieu with the momentum. After a few paces he lost his balance and fell forward, though he wasn’t too fond of colliding with the rock. He focused on his own mass and propelled himself a couple of meters, slamming his side onto the notably softer, grass-covered ground. Gen landed abruptly on the not-so painful terrain, coming to a halt. He quickly regained his senses and shot up, his classmate still gripping to him, “Well, now that’s a memorable landing.” He let out a sigh of relief as Rielle relinquished her hold, setting foot on the ground herself. Noticing that Rielle was still in a giddy mood, the boy couldn’t help but to let out a few chuckles, mixed in with the occasional snort. Shortly after their plausible landing, the vessel containing their luggage arrived. Though, Gen was fully aware that his belongings were to be moved straight to the dining hall, he had the intention of waiting for two other individuals. As the students flocked out of the ship, within the midst were Exuberance and Aggressor, with their natural fixations. It seemed E. was on the verge of tears as he finally spotted his protector, he made a beeline for him, [b]"C! Where did you go?! We saw you fly off, and I thought you were kidnapped! You took Tactician with you, and left me... with him!”[/b] The persona yelled while jabbing a finger back at his counterpart, “ He started saying that we'd never see you again!” At this point, E. deformed to flailing his arms and fell into a blabbering mess. Gen sighed and mentally reprimanded A., who merely clicked his tongue and looked the other way. With his personal consultants now at his side, he spun around to face his friend, “It's time for the opening ceremony. I’m interested in the grand speech I’ve been hearing about. Shall we?” He asked, calmly waiting on the hooded figure's reply.