[B][U]Bungle in the Jungle[/U][/B] Cypress was already prepared for a counter attack when she saw Ruby attack Jason and go electrical. She was about to show Ruby her fangs when she saw Eli power back up now that he lacked distraction. Eli released a volley of fire which fell short of her position indicating that he at least had morals. She dodged the attack as he expected her to by a series of random gymnastic feats that would have stunned an olympic gymnast. When she came to a stop because his attack paused just before her went aerial her right hand went to the sheath at the small of her back. Cypress fought her own moral code and drew one of her throwing daggers but flipped it upside down. Her friction field formed around the blade as she zeroed out it's drag. She had a bit of trouble maintaining the field as Eli began straffing her from the air so she held off her knife attack as she began skating in a random zigzag pattern. When he suddenly dropped from the air an grabbed Ruby then started running with her. Cypress replaced her blade and gave pursuit pacing the Pyromancer as he tried to escape. Cypress smiled as he fled because as fast as he might be she was sure she was faster. She had been tested in the salt flats where Andrews Air Base was and Aperture found she could accelerate continuously and even break the sound barrier in a straight line on a flat surface but in urban environments she was limited to 200 to 500 mph due to obstacles an traffic. Then there was her eye sight which was a good as some of the finest binoculars made and coupled with low light meant if you were visible in line of sight she could see you. Her eyesight was necessary at the speeds she traveled so she knew he an Ruby wouldn't be able to escape. She was closing range when suddenly in her ear she heard "Recall Dax, Dax Alpha; I repeat; Recall Dax, Dax Alpha." At first she was going to ignore the recall but thought "Why should I risk anymore if the Boss says I don't have to?" Cypress redirected her inertia 180 degrees at over 200 mph and was almost instantly headed back to Aperture Labs.