I quite like characters with conflicting mental states (to a degree that is) and enjoy the design of a man with many rules imposed on himself for fear of what he may do/have done happening again. I've always used ideas such as feminism to build on a character design I had in mind. For example I once made a nobleman for a story who saw women as his play things and gave them no rating other than bed servants. His views were not shared and it caused serious damage to his reputation when he was exposed, thus fueling his belief they were evil creatures with only one good purpose. I have no personal joy playing out such characters, as I am very much opposed to them even existing! But for stories these villains can be vital, as he was, for the plot. Such views and beliefs can be easily implemented into a Roleplay, though it is best to make it subtle and believable. I rather doubt for instance that you would enter a town and see just women as guards and the likes. I personally see it far more believable if the men still make up the town watch but the women guard the palace and/or form the ruling classes