As ReivaX sat there the awkward silence between the two lingered. ReivaX looked to his plate, finishing the last bit of the meal that used to be there. "Ahh! that was good." He said rather comfortably. Closing his eyes and throwing his arms above his head as he held his hands. Looking forward once a again to see Thessalia sitting across from him, for a second here he had completely forgot she was there due to how quiet it was. "Oh... Uh... How is yours? There food is pretty good here wouldn't ya say?" ReivaX asked her curiously, no longer being able to make out what meal she had. He would fold his arms at his chest while resting his back to the back of the chair, slouching slightly on his seat. He turned and tilted his head in various directions as he admired the way the Inn looked on the inside, ReivaX seemed to like the way a lot of the buildings looked on the inside. Reivax notice the Inn becoming less and less occupied as he looked around, as he watched the players leave one by one he remembered that he wanted to get back out grind some more to level his skills. Before Thessalia could answer the first set of questions, ReivaX would be asking her more. Taking in a deep breath he would close his eyes, this being his own way of preparing himself to ask her. "Do you want to train skills with me since we were both going to do that anyway?" He asked as he kept his eyes closed, only to open them as he finished asking. "I mean... if you want to, It was only a suggestion, you don't have to... you don't have to do anything if you din't want to... Nobody does realistically..." ReivaX added, seeming to be rambling on a bit as he felt a little awkward asking her that. They had only really encountered a few times within the month after they met.