[b] GORI LAMILLUR [/B] Gori chewed on possible words for a moment while listening intently to Roman Benedikt, he filtered his thoughts out with a signature sigh and a blink before softly speaking once more, "Roman, the Ashtoken of course shall aid in any search for the lost crown, however I wonder what you would be like as Lord Regent instead of the seeker." His flowing accent continued, "While in such curiosities, I wonder what the most respected Lord Flint Whiteshorn too, should do as Regent to secure our safety," He paused and nodded politely, "Excuse my abruptness, but I feel as though such wonders should be duly satisfied with appropriate answers and action." The Voice slid his spear into the nook of his arm and rubbed his bare chin in thought, "What do you men propose?" He asked smoothly, "We need a Regent, and you two have a reputation for responsibility and leadership among your respected peoples, however, could you lead Elyden during such a crisis?"