Shila was taking care of those recruits that hadn’t been selected by Uquo. There were only three this time, which made her job easier. As she lead them away from the others, promising to take them away from here and let them go back to their lives. A lie, of course. They couldn’t be let back to their homes. The Phoenix Kingdom could find them and make them talk about where the Undercity was. That was risk they were willing to take for those who were working to further the Rising’s cause. But not one they were willing to take with those who weren’t even accepted. She led them to the room she used for the work. It was empty, suitably far away from the gathering, and close to a very deep crevice. As they trooped in past her, she slipped a knife from her sleeve into her hand. The earthbender would have to die first, of course. This was his world, and she didn’t want to have boulders flung at her. As luck would have it, the earthbender was the last one in. She closed the door behind her quickly, and shoved her knife into the base of his skull while his back was still turned. She pulled her knife from his skull, and took two steps forward to the next refused recruit. She had turned in confusion and was about to speak, when the knife slipped between her ribs and pierced her heart. Just before all life fled her eyes, she stared at Shila, surprise and a question in them. Then she died. The final rejected recruit was well aware of what was going on by this point. With a cry of alarm and fear, he tried to bull rush past her, to sound the alarm to the others in the Undercity. Shila stepped the side and tripped him as he ran past, and then stabbed him in the side of the neck as he tried to scramble up. Blood gushed everywhere, and he fell to the floor, trying to stop the flow of blood. She stabbed the base of his skull to kill him quickly so he would stop thrashing. Wiping her blade on the shirt of the man she had just killed, Shila’s lip curled in distaste. “Messy. Far too messy. Should have moved quicker.” Shaking her head, she returned her knife to its place in her sleeve, and then opened the door. Glancing about to ascertain that there was no one walking about, she dragged the first body out, closed and locked the door behind her, and then carried the corpse to the crevice. She repeated this twice, being very careful to avoid getting blood on herself or anywhere outside of the room. After cleaning up the room (which means she burned away all the blood in it), she walked back to the Coronation. She saw Nicias, and greeted him with a friendly wave, walking over to the thief. “Haven’t stolen anything yet, have you?”