"I've never understood the fascination with oneself that seems so common among the populace. Surely disclosing personal information merely facilitates your opponent's superiority?" He pauses and frowns. "Sorry, I'm being verbose, aren't I..? Er, using big words. Sorry, I do that when I'm nervous." He clears his throat awkwardly and his fingers flicker in a complicated pattern. "The main problem I have is that there's no way in for me. I'm rich, comfortable and I have so much Ancient tech that I can give it away freely without a care. I'm so far apart from the average life of a Ruins dweller that I have almost nothing in common with them. A lot of people hate me just for that superiority. Then there's those who get to know me and decide that they hate me for other reasons - I can only assume that it's something to do with my manner that they find disagreeable. I haven't had a friend for a decade and a half, and I have no idea how to go about it." Sighing, he moves over to the tale and sits down next to Ren. "I honestly have very little experience of not being good at something. Mathematics was self-evident. Sport was just a matter of angles and forces and so forth. All the Ancient treatises I've found make perfect sense to me. I suppose that's part of the reason I'm floundering so much about it."