[center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/4d0459898bcc9cceb02641a932922b71/tumblr_inline_mztyhuYiea1rsgg2a.gif[/img] [b]Human Name: [/b] Shade Strider, but he goes by his 'God' name. [b]Age:[/b] He is, in reality, around the age of a late teen...so 16. [b]Human Appearance:[/b] Azeroth's human appearance is fairly distinguishable when compared to his 'God Appearance'. He is a tall, leanly muscular boy with relatively pale skin that seems to almost suck in darkness when in direct sunlight. His eyes are deep, pitch black and crimson abysses with an intricate design that immediately became his star symbol, and with a constant red wisp of steam drifting from the corner of said eyes...his eyes easily being one of his most distinguishable features. Azeroth usually has a stoic, or neutral expression on his face - his expressions usually not changing from dissatisfaction, apathy, stoicism, or slight amusement. As for his 'style', Azeroth generally dresses in darker clothing - not for some idiotic 'emo' phase, but because darkness is when he's in his 'element', and dark clothing makes him comfortable. Usually, it's a sleek, midnight black jacket with ebony buttons, with the collar drawn up and the jacket completely buttoned, along with long dark pants and shoes. Underneath the coat, he wears a long-sleeved under-armor shirt, also black. He's 6". [b]Bio:[/b] Azeroth was originally born in the Underworld, as the heir to the God throne. He was, technically, trained for thousands of years to take on such a hefty position - unarmed, armed, strategy, charisma, powers...but, in Earth terms, that is only, technically, sixteen years. His actual life isn't all that interesting...it was mainly just training, training, more training, killing, slaying, testing, and then he was sent to a high-school for a day. He promptly established himself as Dark God Azeroth, and had everyone kissing the ground he walked on after he permanently gave them no homework forever. After that...it was history. [b]Parents:[/b] His 'father' is Zinthos, the true God of Darkness, Death, the Underworld, and such forth. His mother is the Metrion, Goddess of said titles, and she ruled alongside his father. [b]God Name:[/b] Azeroth [b]God Appearance:[/b] Azeroth's 'God Appearance' is truly a sight to behold...and it is also one of his 'favorite' forms. It takes the appearance of some sort of sleek black creature with long, stretching wings and a gaping, razor-sharp maw...his eyes stay the same, but he loses his hair, and becomes something akin to a Devil, with the tatters along his rings, the multiple, razor-sharp horns. He dons some sort of draping cloak made of destructive, all-consuming shadowy energy, and every step wilts the area underneath his clawed feet. He can shift sizes in this form, but his 'usual' size is that of a towering height of 20 feet. [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140502142640/powerlisting/images/0/00/Shadow_Demon.jpg]Azeroth[/url] [b]Symbols:[/b] [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/046/f/9/ultimate_eternal_tri_mangekyo_sharingan_by_syareow-d5v29fj.jpg]Pentagram[/url] [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Evil [b]Weapon:[/b] Azeroth's 'weapon' is not set. Rather, whenever he needs a weapon, Azeroth usually overwhelms his opponent with dominating tendrils and constructs made of his sharp, burning, and, at the same time, ice-cold shadows and darkness...but, when an actual weapon is needed, he usually just forms it out of his own shadow. The weapon is therefore solidified, automatically sharpened to a razor's edge, and seemingly unbreakable...a catalyst for his power. [b]Animal: [/b] Azeroth's animal isn't an animal, as much as it is a bat-like mutant that can also shift sizes. It's usual size is that of a full-sized dog. [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/294/4/d/mutant_dire_bat_by_daemianbloodcrow-d318r2h.jpg]Sin, the creatures name[/url]. [b]Followers:[/b] Back in New York, Azeroth actually has a moderate-size following of an entire high-school, whom he has 'blessed' with no homework...meaning he scared the livings out of the entire school-board. Regardless, they are eternally loyal, all 500 of them, and are abled-bodied athletes.[/center]