[quote=Kaga]Well, I'm not much of the roleplay-stalking-type myself*, but I've had other people stalk my roleplays so I at least know that it's a thing that other people do.*That is, assuming that we're defining "roleplay-stalking" as just reading the IC of a roleplay you're not in. Cuz on oldGuild, I participated in a very different kind of roleplay-stalking...Cuz see, back then they had a forum search feature, and, since I liked to keep tabs on such things, I would regularly search my username to see if people were ever talking about me anywhere outside of threads that I was already involved in. Every so often, I would find that I'd been mentioned, typically by some friend or acquaintance, in the OOC of an RP that I wasn't a part of and in which I wasn't familiar with most of the members. So, when this happened, I would very often pop into that OOC, uninvited and unexpected, post gif, and respond to whatever had been said about me without any other acknowledgement of the fact that I had just strolled into any place where I did not belong. The reactions from the other thread members tended to be quite amusing - and thankfully the GM's usually had a good sense of humor about the whole thing, too. tl;dr - I miss the forum search feature.[/quote] I used to do this too... minus the posting thing. Normally I found I was already so active any mention of me was either something I already knew of, or was simply buried in all the stuff I was in so I didn't notice it. Though considering I'm less active now than I used to be I'd love to able to try that on the new Guild and see what kind of results I get.