"[b]Oh, the moonshine?[/b]" Ashart smiled. "[b]I remember a certain someone almost going blind from drinking the first batch.[/b]" Walking in front of the other two as they started to make their way to the auditorium-dining-hall-sleeping-place, he kept one idea on the dust-mixing, sword-brandishing person, while resting his silver baseball bat on his right shoulder. Though he was more accustomed to staying at the back and covering for any ambushes or backstabs, in this case, he decided that it would be better to play the part of the vanguard. He shrugged at Eurwen's musings. "[b]I'd prefer a bit more of a spread, really. Wouldn't mind if we were all in different teams, if only because networking would be easier that way. Who knows, maybe some of these Vale kiddos are actually decent. I'd like to think that the bomber was the exception, not the norm.[/b]" Dodging a random slow student, Fir shrugged nonchalantly. She wasn't involved with the certain incident involving the moonshine, not directly, at least. She was glad she wasn't, the kids making it certainly weren't the best brewers of the bunch. In any case, Fir didn't object to a different team make-up, as long as the bar bomber wasn't in it. "Put a Firelight member in every team and achieve schoolwide hegemony. Going for a culture victory, Ashart? I'd be fine with either scenario." Scrunching her nose, the rabbit crossed her arms in protest, “[i]Listen, we all came to an understanding years ago that you two were going to be in charge of limiting my drinking. So, technically, it wasn’t my fault I almost went blind![/i]” Despite her words, she had quickly come to notice their conversation had drifted to another subject, so Eurwen could only pray that her words didn’t bring focus to her drinking habits . Giving a shrug of her own to their musings, Eurwen wasn’t all to enthusiastic about the idea of working with another team. She had fought beside Ashart, and Fir many times. Knowing their styles like the back of her hand, as they did for her, she wasn’t really sure how well she’d be with a team of people she was completely unfamiliar with. “[i]One can only pray that the bomber isn’ the ‘norm' here..[/i]" Thinking back to the airship ride with a sneer on her face, Eurwen could recall another student destroying one of the benches near a bay window. However there were a few others that had caught her eye. Like the other student that had been sitting next to the ‘dust-bomber’. Not only had he kicked another away from the blast, but within the limited amount of time he had tried to [i]evade[/i] the blast. Walking beside Fir, Eurwen eyed another student further ahead in full armor before shrugging once more, “[i]Well, I can definitely tell there’s potential here.[/i]” Fir recalled the tin-suited man from earlier. She only glimpsed him for a moment, but she didn't get the best impression from that. "Him? Actually, I thought he looked a bit snobby, like a rich kid showing off his new toys on the first day of school. C'mon, don't you remember those people in Firelight?" "[b]Oh yeah,[/b]" Ashart chipped in, "[b]The Armored person totally reminds me of that one kid...what was his name again? Bru-something? Always went to everywhere in a powered suit because of security reasons or whatever, right? Heck, I remember when he stuck a hose into his armor in order to take a shower without exposing himself to the 'harmful outdoors'.[/b]" "[b]Hopefully that person isn't quite as much of a maniac, though I do wonder about his suitcase...[/b]" Fir snickered, her face stretching into a broad smile. "Oh, hell yes I remember, I was the one that replaced his bathwater with fruit punch." As her friends joked, the Rabbit snorted playfully at Firs confession, "[i]Geez', I remember the mental breakdown he went through that night. That's probably why he transferred out of Firelight, not even a week later.[/i]” Growing closer to the entrance with each step, goosebumps covered her arms as anticipation and excitement began to swell within her chest. Looming over them almost menacingly, the sheer size of the building forced the girl to crane her neck up as they came to the entrance stairs, “[i]Incredible, not even Firelight is this big.[/i]” Hearing voices from the inside, Eurwen decided to skip ahead of her friends and hurry up the stairs. Pausing at the doors she turned to Ashart and Fir, pointing like a child as a wide grin stretched across her lips, “[i]Look! That must be the Headmistress![/i]” Sidestepping past a few to get a better look once they were inside, the same grin sat along her face as she listened closely to the older woman’s speech. Her strong tone echoed throughout the building, giving her a sort of grace that Eurwen had never seen before, however her words didn’t impact the Faunus in the way that she had hoped. Expecting more then just words of encouragement, the woman’s speech seemed to end just as fast as it began. Looking around in disbelief as the crowd around them began to disperse, Eurwen felt her excitement fizzle with each person leaving the auditorium. “[i]Well.. that was uplifting.[/i]" The Juneau girl agreed with Eurwen with an equally disappointed expression on her face. "Eh? I don't like long speeches, but that was as anticlimactic as a blockbuster flop..." Voicing her expression of deflated anticipation, she stood up from the auditorium seat. "In any case, let's hurry and the beat the crowd! I want to get the best spot for the night." Ashart made no comment about the speech, mainly because he was pretty sure that he'd heard it...every single time during every commencement speech at his time in Firelight. And thought the auditorium in Beacon WAS reasonably sized, he wasn't too impressed. The warehouses of Sakanade Textiles was larger than this, after all. Not quite as enthusiastic as Fir when it came to getting a good spot, he said, "[b]Does it even matter where we sleep? Looks all the same to me...unless you want to go sleep outside.[/b]" "It's a matter of life-and-death, Ash. You can have the space near the bathrooms." "[b]I'll be sure to save the washroom stall for your usage, Fir.[/b]" Fir pouted. "See, you get my point." Gasping loudly, Eurwen bounced excitedly in her seat, "[i]Oh-Oh! If we sleep outside, we can look at the stars, guys![/i]" "[b]Sounds like a good idea. Rooftop auditorium camping then?[/b]" Juneau shrugged at this suggestion. Nothing wrong with camping. "[i]Sure, if it's not next to the chimney. I've had enough soot for a day.[/i]" Jumping up from her seat, the Faunus threw her arms up in victory as she started to skip off towards the main entrance, "[i]Whoo! Rooftop auditorium camping![/i]" "[b]A chimney for the auditorium? Guess we'll see if they even have a heating system in here.[/b]" "I would really hope there is one. I hear winters are a bitch here." Not thinking to look back to see if Ashart or Fir were still behind her, Eurwen made her way back out to the courtyard. Searching along the side of the building for stairs, or even a ladder, her hopping quickly came to a halt as she found herself in an unfamiliar part of the Academy. "[i]Aw, I don't know if we're gonna be able to find a wa-[/i]" Spinning around in search of her friends, Eurwen began to fall into a panic, "[i]Guys? H-Hey, where did you go?[/i]" Fir opened her mouth in mild surprise as Eurwen zipped away, apparently to secure a rooftop camping spot. She certainly didn't think they were being serious. But she had no time question this, she had to secure a space that was not in the lavatories. "Aish... If you have no intention of finding a space, I'll see you in the morning then, Ashart. Good luck~!" And with that, the Juneau girl was off too.