Audrunar slowed down a bit once Erika came into view, but as Jonrik sped by him he was pulled back into the situation, speeding up again and running past Erika. Ofcourse, he wouldn't blatantly ignore her and he would extend his arm, grabbing the hem of her leather vest close to the neck and pulling her with him. Underbreath, he mumpled to her. “You ran? Nice show of bravery. Odin is watching. Remember.” After saying that to her, hopefully out of earshot of Jonrik, he'd let her go with a small push towards the camp. When Audrunar could finally see the full situation, he realized now that they had needed a fire sooner. Then they could have used the fire to chase the bear away. Faen was trying to trick the bear to go away, but instead of what Faen had planned, the bear only got more aggravated by the fish landing on it's snout, it's breathing and breezing becoming louder as he'd stand still and look around at it's targets. It was then Audrunar noticed the shortsword that Alva had drawn, after she got tossed around a few times. For a moment, Audrunar had to remind himself that she was not a shieldmaiden and was probably not that capable of defending herself. Looking at the bear, and back to the shortsword, he quickly stuck out his hand to her, opened hands to show her to remain at ease. “Lest you wish an early grave, that shortsword will not do much good unless you intend to walk into the bears paws.” In a quick motion, he used his free hand to quickly unhook the axe in the leather loop on his belt. Audrunar smirked at the hypocricy he had shown.. in one breath he tells Alva to stay her blade, in the next he draws a weapon that has much shorter range. The bear unleashed another roar, inching closer to Jonrik rather than Faen, giving Faen an opportunity to escape if he was quick enough. The bear was tiring, but not tired enough to dwell off - if he had to he would kill, that much was certain. Audrunar's shield clunked with his axe for a moment, the bear moving his head to look at Audrunar once. If any member of the group was smart enough to notice, they might realize that the sounds and movements caught the bears attention, and use this to their profit to lure the beast away. On the other hand, it would be doubtful the bear would leave without any prize whatsoever. “What say you, Erika, shall we give it the deer? It's your catch, after all.”