Character 1 [hider=Character 1] Name: Hideaki Fudai Gender: Male Age: 18 Birthday: February 22nd Appearance: [url=]”Merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg.”[/url] Ultimate Title: Ultimate Collector (sometimes referred to as Hoarder) Personality: The first and most obvious trait of Hideaki is his aristocratic demeanour. He speaks in an articulate fashion, always formally and usually politely as well. Though he doesn’t speak casually with anyone unfamiliar, he does tend to be very amiable and is never hostile unless angered. If given significant prompting, Hideaki enjoys nothing more than ranting about his collections at great length. Fortunately, he possesses the intelligence not to break out in passionate rants unless he’s absolutely certain he’s been asked to do so. Perhaps the most likely way in which Hideaki could be roused to anger is to refer to him as a hoarder. First, he will politely correct anyone that calls him such. Then, he’ll start ranting about the distinction between a grubby hoarder and a sophisticated collector like himself. Heaven help anyone that persists in calling him something truly disgraceful in his eyes. Likes: Collecting worthy objects, high culture, and intelligent discussion. Dislikes: Boring small talk, aggressive and/or rude individuals, and most of all being referred to as the SHSL Hoarder. Simple BackStory: Hideaki is the son of a wealthy man. With his father’s wealth, he quickly came to understand the joy of owning objects. So much so he had a significant private collection at the age of 13. Only two years prior, his father passed away, and Hideaki was expected to take the helm of his business ventures. He was also expected to piss away their fortunes and drive it all into ruin in due time. However, Hideaki proved a savvy businessman in spite of his spend-happy ways. He felt that expanding the business and seeking new opportunities was merely an extension of his impulsive collecting. After all, how prestigious would it be to say one collected banks? Whole corporations, even? Suffice to say Hideaki at least managed to make as much money as he spent. And all while continuing to attend school. Once, Hideaki was interviewed due to his extraordinary success as well as his eccentric habit. The interviewer, intentionally or not, chose to use the word “hoarder” to refer to Hideaki. Hideaki flew into a passionate rant about the distinction between what a hoarder was and how he saw himself. That event gave fuel to the fire of many that sought to mock Hideaki and his hobby, much to his dismay. [/hider] Character 2 [hider=Character 2] Name: Tamiko Yokoshima Gender: Female Age: 17 Birthday: December 3rd Appearance: [url=]”The greatest feeling in the world is letting loose.”[/url] Ultimate Title: Ultimate Party Girl Personality: When outside of a party, Tamiko appears to be very listless. She tends to move quite slowly, speaks in brief sentences, and always seems to wear a near-frown like expression on her face. Technically, she isn’t entirely dead to the world while in this state, and she’ll still talk to people and act friendly enough. But she sure isn’t half herself when between gigs. Naturally, when she’s in her element, Tamiko is quite the firecracker. She loves nothing more than actively trying to propagate all the good times. She can talk people to death, get them motivated for games, anything that makes things more interesting. Whatever the circumstances, Tamiko just loves to mingle and enjoy the experience. Likes: Drinking, dancing, good conversation, and being around lots of people. Dislikes: Studying, strict people, being bored and feeling lonely. Simple BackStory: There wasn’t much to say about Tamiko’s life before she reached high school age, which is precisely what led to her to seek a life of excitement and socialising. To her, her life was a real drag, and she never felt motivated to do much with it. This was exacerbated by the fact that her parents had planned a straight-laced studious life for her, and gave her very few opportunities to meet people or have fun. That all changed when she went to her first social gathering. She had never had more fun in her life. She quickly developed a rebellious streak, and started spending more and more time going to parties of all kinds, from small gatherings of friends to large scale events where she didn’t know a soul. The experience was what made it for her. As her parents got increasingly restrictive in order to regain control of their child, Tamiko decided to undertake a drastic measure. Stealing her parent’s credit card, she went on a tour of the country, going to parties in almost every city. She even gate-crashed a number of parties that were hosted by celebrities and other wealthy individuals. Eventually, her conscience did get the better of her, and she returned to a pair of fuming parents. By their insistence, she made an effort to get accepted into Hope’s Peak Academy, which they hoped would make something of her. [/hider] Here's hoping I didn't make anything too weird.