The girl began to blame herself for the stain that had just occurred and started asking Indigo if he's ever had the feeling everything he does just doesn't seem to go the way he plans it to. Looking at the stain on his shirt, "I guess I do...?" It never really occurred to him all he was trying to do is stop a nosebleed, he didn't think it would ever get to a point where his nose explodes if he made the wrong move. She then went off on the boy who started the explosion back on the ship, declaring as if they were brothers-in-arms in terms of the idea she was talking about. [b]"HE knows what I'm talkin' about! Explosions and disasters and people telling us not to touch things, AM-I-RIGHT!?"[/b] "No no no. If someone told him not to touch anything, the flight would've gone on without anything damaged." Indigo thought to himself completely unaware that the little girl also destroyed something within the ship. Suddenly, the atmosphere around her began to light up as if she could redeem the outfit's once completely-not-stained-by-blood-at-all-look. A chill ran up through his spine as if telling him to run, make an excuse and run now his instincts told him. She began with her plans to get the materials, "Why am I still here?" He thought to himself as she continued but suddenly the girl's determination for the quest of cleaning off the stain halted, as she spun around and offered help to get onto his feet. He took the offer with his free hand and stood up with a gentle tug on his part. He also noticed that the blood has stopped and removed the rag from his nose,"I guess, I'll keep it for now." he thought to himself casually putting it in his back pocket. The girl also revealed her name and also brought up that they should probably head towards the assembly hall now, he agreed with it as he tried to pronounce her name in his head and also took note about her remark about friends. "Kaesithius, Ka-Kaesi. No wonder they would probably shorten it, the full name is just too troubling to say. I guess I'll call her Kay, but would there ever be a situation where that would be confusing?" The troublemaker, who seemed to be proficient with a sword, answered his previous question suddenly, coming up with what seemed like a troubling solution to his problem. [b] "Ever tried using some dust mixed with some detergent?"[/b] "I mean, if you really hated my outfit you could just tell me. Instead of recommending to try something explosively new on it." Indigo looked at him and couldn't really gather too much from him other than that he was pretty nervous or scared at first, eventually the student had to reaffirm himself of speaking to them. The boy announced himself as Lupus Argentum and began talking about how the explosion was an accident and how amazing the academy was. Not much really clicked with Indigo's head other than the fact his name was pretty easy compared to Kay's. "Lupus. Lupus." He said in his mind to reassure he had it right. He only nodded to Lupus's statement about the campus before he began leading the way towards the assembly. "Uh, my name is," he paused for a moment was it safe telling a everyone his real name? What if he became a target for some people and became ransom for his family in exchange for the few faunus they have captured "Indigo. I don't seem to remember my last name for some reason, maybe it fell out with the nose blood." He said to them intentionally hiding his family's name from them, half-knowing that is nearly impossible for his family to get caught but he couldn't be too sure, "Let's go, Lupe. Kay. Unless you guys want to get in trouble." Unintentionally making a nickname for Lupus for his own convenience. The instinct of telling him to run away was still there, but he chose to ignore it. Whether or not that was a good idea, only the upcoming future could tell.