[quote=Raen Elvarasi] Battlefield tactics make the kind of ranged attacks applicable without the large chance of losing your archers for it.And actually, you are forgetting something...You can both move. You aren't an impassible wall. Thus a step and switch is easily done. [/quote] I am not even in this mission, and I can already say that this does not make sense. 1. You are NOT on a battlefield, where you can maneuver with enough ease without hindering formation/tactics. In corridors that can barely fit, it becomes much more than a skirmish as smaller beings will have the advantage to maneuver while large beasts like the Minotaur and the Centaur will have a hell of a hard time moving around. 1.1 The reason why battlefield tactics work is because you have officers yelling out orders and actions for the soldiers to take. The soldiers also have worked long together to get this kind of discipline and precision in their maneuvering. Here, you are talking about a band of misfits doing some work as a special unit without former training together. 1.2 Unless your group as a clear leader that barks out orders, battlefield tactics become shit as there is not tactics that you can be familiar with. So if you have the two in front being the big guys and don't leave no space, then sure in hell they won't bother with tactics that the two comrades are not familiar with. 2. Yes, both of those characters can move, but how much space can they actually give? The Minotaur could manage to go sideways and leave some space but the Centaur can't do shit, being half horse and half-humanoid. Even worst, the Centaur will have a hard time maneuvering with the type of body he has and would probably make it akward for him to do anything. 2.2 Even worst, if they did, it leaves them completely defenseless just to let that shot got hat might miss. Worthless. And in corridors, trust me they will take advantage of two guys trying to squeeze to let someone pass or shoot. Edit: Also, what Gat and Kadaeux said :D