Angelo followed him and was thinking that they were all going to die trying to save these kids when the abnormals came to them why did it have to be 2 of them!? Does whatever god up their think this is fucking funny! Angelo just kept moving and when the commander came to their rescue Angelo was relieved for a moment but he knew that the commander was going to die, even a commander of his skills would die knowing how much older he has been and against two abnormals was something else. Angelo didn't look back after that when he called for them to go. He simply couldn't take it anymore, all their friends would die unless they could fight back but these kids are the future and if all of us die then they will be next. As much as Angelo hated that concept it was going to be true unless they could find a place where Angelo could build their utopia where none of this would ever happen again. Anna's scream brought him back to reality and Angelo laughed a little at her she will be such a bad mom! "you should really be nicer to kids Anna" Angelo called out to her smiling a little oddly enough even this small thing could make Angelo calm down at least a little so he wasn't cursing god wondering when they would get to the inner walls