Alex nodded. Hiding in a hole or cave wouldn't be unpleasant but bearable. He had given up before even seeing his adversary. Coward. Alex followed around the home moving behind then following Elsa, running gradually faster and then jumping into a tree. He wanted to ask her what t looked like but felt it may be too soon. In the forest around them the trees were dark with beautifully matching dark violet leaves. Some of them reaching around 30 feet tall but majority less then 20 feet. A few caves were in the area. Most of which made from stone with a cold interior. The trees could be slept in. The holes were mainly incredibly small and for small animals. No other villages were close but the ocean was a mile or two away. Alex felt the coin in his pocket for a second as he jumped from tree to tree. Least they won't be forgotten entirely. Unless he tries to buy something... Focusing again he continued waiting for Elsa to locate a habitable temporary resting place.