([b] COLLAB WITH SOLAMELIKE AND GOLDEAGLE [/b]) The morning air felt damp and the sky had a certain gloom to it as the two brothers approached the waiting group in a festive and confident stride. “HUP HOO HUP HOOO,” they chanted heartily as they curled massive iron weights in synchronization. Their massive arms bore a vascular strain as they had been at this lifting competition all night, waiting for the other to give. Sweat dripped from their perfectly waxed mustaches as their eyes began to study more than their own forming biceps, noticing the tiny group before them. “I say Gerkin, it appears we have found our angular collaborators!” Olaf spat out in deep voiced jest, dropping his iron weights down by his sides. “Yes I certainly agree, an odd group from off shores, I do query, which one of you is the mediator?” Gerkin also dropped his weights, he had many at home and didn't plan on carrying them. With a huff, he and his brother searched around eagerly for something heavier to carry. “I say,” Olaf softly remarked, pointing a thick finger at a man who was wearing all buckskin, “how much do you think you weigh?” “I could easily throw him, like a large stew pot.” Gerkin exclaimed “Do you think you couldn't? I think not!” He said extravagantly to his brother, his thick accent strong and apparent. “HO HO,” bellowed Olaf excitingly, a smile crescenting below his mustache “why don’t you give it a go?” Gerkin rolled his broad shoulders and looked the man up and down, his expert eyes being able to judge the man's weight just from this look alone. It was a skill he had mastered over many years of picking up large men and African animals.