Name: Ser Gale Karling of Valley's March Nicknames: Last of the Karlings Knight of Footstools Gender: Female, biologically Age: 26 Likes: Simple things, problems that can be solved by swinging a sword, poetry, art, being a deadpan snarker Dislikes: Unnecessary violence/bloodshed, encountering a deadpan snarker, the complexity of politics, sexually aggressive people Appearance: Gale is average height for a woman, which sadly translates to 'below average height' for a man. [img=] Bio: The House of Karling was once a famous house that ruled Port Rokenlands in Valley's March, and Gale was never meant to be the heir to the family name. Gale wanted to be taught swordfighting. The House of Karling was blessed with many sons and daughters, and Gale's father, Duke Wesley Karling, and he allowed his daughter this strange departure from the norms of courtly learnings. Trained in Quinn's Line by the old sellsword Bailey, Gale was far away from her homeland when it fell to rebels led by the disgraced noble Waris Graced, and the entire Karling family, but her, were massacred. She was only 16 that time, but she swore revenge against Graced. Gale returned to Valley's March, and gained support for the war against the House of Graced by granting her birthright to Port Rokenlands to the minor noble house Tandalls. Revenge was the only thing on Gale's mind. While the house Tandalls knew of Gale's true gender, despite the armor she walked in when she first met the Tandalls, they treated her as a knight in their service just like any other. Gale duelled Waris Graced, killing her father's murderer, and supported the Tandalls in controlling and suppressing the rest of Port Rokenlands, known as the War for Rokenlands. Gale was knighted 'Ser Gale Karling' by the Tandalls. While there were female knights, though their numbers at any point were so few one could count them on a smuggler's amputated fingers, before Gale, and they took the prefix 'Dame' to their name, Gale insisted on the title of 'Ser'. Gale had received some fame at this point, though just about every history book that mentions Gale called her 'the last son of the Karlings, who threw away his birthright to grant his family the honour of justice'. Gale didn't mind. Being a male knight was so much easier than being a female peasant. It had been 10 years since the death of Waris Graced. Gale was involved in a few other minor wars within the Kingdom of Illyria, eventually gaining the moniker 'Knight of Footstools' for his short height. He's still good friends with the rulers of Port Rokenlands and the rulers of Valley's March. Valley's March A legendary sorcerer's attempt to defeat his foes led him to cast the greatest spell in his lifetime in the lands of Vale's End, and it was said that the valleys moved upon his command. While no one is able to determine the veracity of the legend, the name 'Valley's March' stuck with the region long after Vale's End was relegated to history books. A region filled with valleys and rivers, the great bulk of territory as compared to the other regions misleads many on the power of Valley's March. Valley's March is no more powerful than any other of the regions. Ruled by the House of Arpallis since time immemorial, the current ruler is Grand Duke Lucian Arpallis, the 29 year old grand duke is an unassuming figure in the politics beyond his region, but rules relatively fairly and justly. A childhood friend of Gale, he admits being smitten by the young girl when they first met, but respects Gale's decisions about his own life, if a little baffled by them.