Name: Koshiro Hoshizaki Gender: Male Age: 17 Birthday: September 17th Appearance: [url=]Flamboyant and fabulous![/url] Ultimate Title: Ultimate Director Personality: Koshiro is the sort of person that commands total attention from others when he enters a room. Loud, proud, and just a little bit camp, he speaks in a whimsical fashion and isn't afraid to speak his mind about things or other people. He is the first to dive head first and jump to conclusions, which can land him in quite a bit of trouble. He is always scouting for talent, even when he's in school, and takes great appreciation in beautiful men and women and will propose that they star in his movies. His pushy attitude can get overbearing for many, but Koshiro's ambition is a force to be reckoned with. Likes: Strawberries, vintage movies, interior decoration, the feel of velvet Dislikes: Unsanitary things, introverts, bad acting, cold weather, Simple Backstory: Born to a famous Japanese actress and film producer, Koshiro grew up fascinated with the world of film. At a tender age, he bullied his friends into starring in his home movies, and whilst his parents originally indulged him in his enthusiasm out of amusement, they soon noticed that Koshiro had a real knack for directing. Deciding to nurture his talent, Koshiro spent almost every waking moment working on his film, and finally completed his first feature-length film at the tender age of 11. He received critical and commercial praise on the independent film market, bolstering his confidence and his status as the rising 'Ultimate Director' despite his youth. Since then, his other attempts haven't quite risen to the same height of fame as his first, but his determination has never wavered. He [i]will[/i] make the perfect film one day, one that will take all of Japan by storm. However, he needs connections, and the perfect cast to star in his ultimate film. And what better place to make his dreams come true than Hope's Peak Academy Let me know if this is ok :)