Six listened as a feminine voice seemed rather crass, making her frown. 097… well, she was a peach wasn’t she? Six shook her head, sighing and feeling a bit of hesitation when a male voice said something about a trap. Were there even more soldiers where they were headed? What was indeed their best option? Hopefully whoever was leading them had an idea. She looked up when she heard Shin say Nice shot, blushing softly and smiling as she assumed it was for her. Oh so 097 had called Shin boy? How silly. And she was about 12? It was all blurring in her mind who was who and how to picture them in her mind. Shaking her head, she simply followed, holding onto Shin’s hand until a different air hit her face. It was fresh. Dewy even. It was not the filtered yet stale air of the facility. Were they outside? Before she could ask, 097’s voice hit her ears again, asking if she couldn’t open her eyes. Her cheeks burn red and she might have hid a tad behind Shin’s arm, throat dry before she shook her head. [b]”No, I can’t open them. Unless you’d like me to melt your face down into your shirt. Or dress. Or whatever you’re wearing,”[/b] Six mumbled softly, feeling as if her abilities were questioned by the girl. Like her inability to control the kinetic blasts were all in her mind. Of course, it most likely wasn’t the intention of the question, and she was just thrown off by the tone used. [b]”Where are we exactly?”[/b] she finally asked quietly, looking confused, the question at no one in particular.