Looking up, Thessalia found ReivaX to be rather aimlessly looking around the inn - having finished his meal, he was probably looking for a quick way to excuse himself and get back to his own training, she wagered; his previous question having gone over her head in the meantime. Following his eyes for a moment, she too noticed that an ever increasing number of guest were either leaving or getting ready to do so - even though one could find people in just about every inn at just about any time of the day, the usual mealtimes still attracted the largest crowds; some habits just being too hard to shake, it seemed. Returning her attention to what little remained of her own meal, it was diverted just seconds later when ReivaX spoke up - unbeknownst to her for the second time in short time - and asked whether she wanted to train skills together with him. "Huh?" was her immediate response in a questioning tone of voice; her expression turning quizzical too before he continued speak - or rather, trailing off. The question seemed to come out of nowhere - and even more so due to Thessalia having only just put down such a question herself. Yet here were the same unspoken words returned at herself - causing her to reconsider her decision for a moment. Of course, a party would be a lot more efficient in the long term than soloing. Furthermore, it would perhaps be nice to have someone nearby during the long hours out in the field for once. Yet just as she thought that the pros were outweighing the cons by far, she remembered the first boss battle - the sight of the first player that died in that fight; the fear, the pain and the utterly broken despair in his eyes as he burst into light. Not just once - such a scene had been repeated again and again throughout every boss fight and even out in the fields. Looking back up - inadvertantly having averted her eyes - Thessalia thought for a moment how to answer before casting her eyes down again. "Sorry, I... don't do well with others," she finally said, truthfully - though not for the reasons that would seem obvious from the context they were spoken in.