Neil wandered in the back of the festivities wearing the most non denominational clothing he could. The Orzhov were hosting events like the lottery and various religious get togethers but it would be foolish to mingle with that crowd and draw attention to himself. Ogres were not exactly known to hang out with the Orzhov, and Teysa was firm when she told him he would be denied all connection should his true intentions be discovered. Neil mingled with the Rakdos for a little while, a clan that he had originated from and still involves himself in every once in a while. He prefers the business minded professionalism of the Orzhov, but the Rakdos held the best parties. Gruul parties were fun too, but any party where the clowns explode into giblets was superior by principal. Neil was taking mental notes about the Rakdos but there was nothing especially alarming about them. They were chaotic and difficult to control, obviously. But without Rakdos himself they weren't very organized and did not pose a serious threat to the Orzhov. Neil felt pretty comfortable that the Azorious were suitably horrified that the demon might wake up. He kind of wished Rakdos would get up just to bug them. Neil turned to leave, deciding that the Rakdos were their usual and uncrafty selves when a fire twirler caught his attention. He always liked fire twirling, even dabbled in a little bit of it himself during his younger years, but this particular twirler was one of the best he had seen. With a grin of appreciation Neil flicked a gold coin out of his wallet in the direction of the performer as he left, deciding he'd splurge a little bit to celebrate his heritage. Neil decided he would check out the Selesnya area next, as loathsome a prospect as it was. It was suitably done up, with plenty of greens to show off their attention to nature. Predictably they had scions standing over the event, in case someone would harm their precious plants. It would be difficult for him to get in without drawing attention with the guards at the doors. He questioned if he could even get through with the reputation his kind had. He took a mental note of the layout before moving on. Selesnya territory was stake out territory, as he probably wouldn't be able to sneak in until nightfall. The Selesnya weren't to be underestimated; Teysa would appreciate whatever information he could gather about what they were up to. Neil continued on, heading towards the area of the Boros.