Throughout the entire sequence of moves that got him to the advantage that he now currently has, Ixion was already thinking on the next set of attacks. With the current kick aiming for his back, that would have been close enough for the assassin to have gained another footing on the Fixer himself and push himself off from him, finally removing the grip he had placed on the legend's wrist and forcefully removed the grip the other had on him. This would have then allowed him to grab his kusarigama or knife and followed up the attack, depending on the Fixer's actions afterwards. He didn't hide the fact that the manoeuvre had shocked the legend, probably down to the core, smirking throughout. If there was one thing that the assassin had analytically concluded, it was the truth that the Fixer had finally met someone whose thought process and reflexes were quicker than his own. If that was to be the case, then the Fixer had certainly underestimated him and he would pay the price for that. However, in another instant, he realized that he had once again underestimated his opponent, though it was probably due to his own lack of knowledge that the Fixer was real to begin with, let alone know of his fighting style. The Fixer had stopped all of the momentum that he obtained from the push off the beam. The kick, the one he wanted to avoid in the first place, landed on his right side. The pain, similar in intensity as the one before, rushed through his body, causing another dent in his armour. Despite this, the assassin noticed one thing during the freefall. The vampire had finally acted upon the commotion that he was a participant of, charging in their direction. However, it looked like they had overestimated something and shot towards a wall. Another thing that he noticed was that the penin was also walking towards them, his staff drawn ready for combat. [i]Finally![/i] he thought, bearing through the pain. [i]My chances of survival have improved.[/i] This thought was short-lived as Ixion felt the Fixer move through the air, placing himself right behind his back, locking his right arm back. And at the rate they were falling, there wasn't enough time for him to do another teleport. Both fighters reached the ground, Ixion hitting the stone ground with the weight of both himself and the Fixer. Whatever pain he had felt from the kick before was replaced with an excruciating one as he felt some a lot of his ribs break upon impact, causing him to yell out in the pain. If there was any consolation in his mind, if the beam he pushed off from was another storey higher, he would have been killed on impact. Despite gritting his bloodied teeth from the pain, his eyes had noticed that the vampire had pushed off from the wall and was lunging towards the pair of them. While this had meant that the vampire was ready to do whatever they were planning on doing to get the Fixer's attention and, therefore, off of him, his mind thought that the Fixer would probably notice this. Ixion had to think of a distraction long enough for his ally to help him out. The one thing he had realized that his left arm, free from any restraint, was by his side, close enough to his knives. [i]Its do or die,[/i] he thought, feeling that his arm hadn't been too badly damaged from the fall and had recovered from the fight earlier. Without any thinking, he spat out two words to the Fixer: “Dodge this!” With fluid motion, he grabbed the knife. Then, his arm acting like a whip, he unsheathed the blade and whipped it back towards his side. The tip of the blade, hopefully, would reach its mark: the legend's left leg.