Mycha was not annoyed by the physical contact of Pierce. She was foolish to believe that because he happened to even remember her that anything in that area had changed. Oh week, she thought shrugging her shoulders slightly. "Yeah, sounds good." She replied to his talking later bit. "OK Macey, let's go get you settled." She started walking towards the mansion, knowing Macey would follow. Odd that they seemed to have connected, they hadn't really been close in school. But she was willing to get over that. She had a craving for chocolate covered almonds and wondered if there were any in the pantry... Or supplies to make them any way. "Hey, how well do you think the pantry here is stocked?" She asked Macey, trying to make small talk. Damn, it was a lot easier talking to old people. They had cool war stories. And grand baby stories. And poodle stories. She shock her head to try to clear it a little. She had gotten so lame! No wonder Oliver hadn't wanted to stick around.