I don’t really understand what you are trying to say on what makes a post useful, but here is mine, to be adjusted if needed. A few points: +The refresh bug has already been spotted plenty of times, and while I’m unsure about a programmer it seems your conclusions are indeed correct.+Have to say the brackets are pretty useful on the way this RP is set to coordinate conversations between characters. +Speaking about spells I was thinking on having Hai using mostly debuffs and (life; mana; life&mana) drain spells. Though, nothing outstanding as he isn’t a mage. +[s]Solarmike[/s] Solamelike, could my character sleep on the roof or something, considering how we are approaching sleepytime IC? [hider= Haiaen numbah 5: Here be monsters; hey listen] Haiaen slightly turned the mug in his hands to watch the few drops of ale remaining inside move. After a few seconds of doing so, he left the container on the counter and moved his hands to snatch the last untouched ale, the one that belonged to Lindir, before someone else did. While holding it with both hands to avoid dropping any of the golden liquid inside, Haiaen listened to part of Zimnis conversation with the bartender, until the gnome started to speak about some sort of good fir. Realizing he wouldn’t understand the meaning of the words, Haiaen turned to look backwards at the people around the establishment, his biggest question now on his mind. [i] Where were the monsters? [/i] he had heard the word many times before being attacked. In fact it had been one of the first words he had someone say, from what he could remember. But as much as he searched he couldn’t find any. As his hands tightened around the object he was holding, he kept looking at the behavior of those around him. He couldn’t recognize anyone similar to Grommak or Lindir, but nobody seemed ready to do anything against any of them. Maybe if he found them he could understand why he was targeted and be able to stop wearing this restrictive thing over himself. When the gnome started to pick his coins, Haiaen’s eyes were immediately brought to it and, after again seeing what possibly was an adventure being given by one of his companions to someone else he moved towards the puppeteer, while still holding the ale. Believing it to be his chance of asking what he could, he began to speak very quickly, somewhat lightening the usual hoarseness of his voice. When he finished speaking he extended his open palm. “Hey Zimnis, Zimnis. what do I do with this? Where are the monsters? Are you and Lindir giving adventures? Why did you abandon them? Are dwarfs bigger inside? Do midgets have night vision? Can I get an adventure too? Are you listening to me?” Haiaen listened to the answers given without moving an inch. At the mention of gold, his lips formed a small smile, almost imperceptible due to his heavy garments. As the gnome finished, Haiaen nodded a few times, glad he now understood more his companion, even if he still felt confused. Taking care to not spill the drink, he started to slowly walk in circles around the gnome, speaking in the same way as before. “Humm, maybe we could meet this chance? Or maybe a few monsters? But, If you don’t want to see Giant Lizards… Oh I know, maybe we could get an adventure where you can be ripped by something else. Umm...” Then he stopped to look at Zimnis. Haiaen began to ascend the stairs after the gnome, but when Zimnis closed the door he stopped. Remembering how it usually went when they were on the boat, Haiaen looked at the all the doors around before he moved to the stairs. Whilst he descended, he thought about the words spoken to him minutes before, and wondered what was Lindir doing by giving money if not an adventure, and if the elf would know how to change liquid gold into gold coins. [/hider] P.s: one of the questions was taken from yahoo answers, shouldn’t be hard to guess which.