Hello, Skyswimsky and I are looking for three to four dedicated people for an experimental Etrian Odyssey/Log Horizon-esque RP. Why experimental? Because, for one, we’ll be RPing in a fashion that is more akin to collaborative writing. There will be a posting order that shall be maintained for the most part, and each player still controls one character, but the difference is that these posts will also contain the actions of other characters within them. Throughout all this, these actions will be subject to the perspective of the player, and thus, it would be understandable that misunderstandings would occur. This is the intended effect, because one part of RPing that is often unused is the concept of deception. When every person posts a singular action and fill it in with their characters thoughts and intentions in regards to that action, it becomes very hard to hide what their motives are. For lack of better words, one can say that it ruins the surprise. These perspective-posts, of course, will be scripted out initially within a Google Document, in which every player goes and details their actions and speech, but not their thoughts. After that, it’s just a matter of dividing up the script and using it as a guide for your IC post. Battles will be done in roughly the same manner, with the GMs filling everyone in on the results of their actions. And, of course, due to the nature of the perma-collab, there will probably have to be tons of Skyping and general communication between every RPer. Sounds annoying? Then you can leave now. Bai bai~ <3 Now, in regards to the RP, this could be considered a character-driven dungeon crawler. In an era of fantasy, every single kingdom is at a ceasefire due to the threat of mutually assured destruction. For countless generations, Kings, Emperors, Nobles, and basically anyone has been pushing their subjects to becoming sacrifices to the enigmatic place known as the Labyrinth. A dungeon that eats all those whom venture into it, the Labyrinth randomly ejects the same amount of ‘material’ that it is injected with. Yet it does not accept the unwilling, nor does it accept anything other than a humanoid, sentient being. At a specific time every month, the gate of the Labyrinth is opened, inviting all who are willing to enter, in order to give those on the outside the possibility of retrieving a magical artifact. What goes inside, no one knows, but rumors have circulated from town to town, country to country, that within the Labyrinth, there exists a method of escaping without triggering its concept of Equivalent Exchange. A single exit, that allows one to bring out however many treasures they wish with them. Armies have been swallowed whole. Wielders of magic have been vanquished by its trials. And yet, the hope, the greed, remains. So, will you, too, venture into the maw of the Labyrinth? We're looking for three to four people, once again, but this is not on a first-come, first-served basis. If you're interested, pitch your character idea to us. Give a name, age, race, and short description, which will feature bits of their personality and biography. Also note that this will be High-Casual, bordering Advanced, so that should give y'all an idea of the post-quality we're looking for. If there are enough interesting characters, we MIGHT allow for the creation of two parties instead. Might. Probably won't. But the hope, the greed, remains. :3