Priscilla through her head back in a laugh as she watched Adrien's face beat red. [i]"A new part of your act Adrien?"[/i] she teased, she knew how badly he reacted when women were involved. Cici however took pleasure it pushing his buttons. Though admittedly the brush against him was an accident. Knocking the burnt part of her cigarette off with a flick of her fingers she turned her attention to the small act that was performing right in front of them. Cici had always been fascinated by the two, either the little girl was possessed by something or she was truly the grand master of illusions. Bobo quickly joined in with the two making it quite the show to see. The woman clapped using her two fingers against her palm [i]"Brava!"[/i] she called, grinning as the very young girl's performance techniques.