[b]Sol[/b] "Come with me then." Basil left the room, followed by Fergus, as he headed down further into the ship. He closed his eyes for a moment, and stopped, before moving on again. When they finally arrived they were in what appeared to be a cargo bay. Several Iscandarians had gathered into a circle around several symbols that Fergus swore he recognized from somewhere. Basil motioned to him to stand in the middle of the circle. "This is a runic teleportation circle. You only need to think of where you want to go, we will provide the mana for the spell." spoke Basil. He and the others directed there hands at the circle, as blue beams of energy poured into it. [b]Alas Prime[/b] A Iscandarian approached, her veins flowing with magic exposed. "Hello and welcome to Alas Prime! We are excited to meet you. If you will follow me this way a shuttle has been prepared for a trip to the Palace."