It was great, I liked it alot. Totally accepted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And here is my second character o3o Name: Mako Kashiwagi Gender: Male Age: 18 Birthday: December 12th Appearance: [img][/img] Ultimate Title: Ultimate Hip Blogger Personality: Mako is a blogger, but he doesn't just spend all his time inside. He prefers to go out and experience the world, shopping, eating, skydiving and pretty much anything you can imagine. But as soon as he finishes, he immediately critics is on his Tumblr account. Being a total extrovert he loves to hang out with people, socialize and enjoy the fun things in life. He can be a bit headstrong at times, once he's made up his mind about something, its a hard process to go about changing it. Likes: Hip Fashion, Tumblr, Good Food, Good Times, Blogging. Dislikes: Rude People, People who don't understand Tumblr, People who think they're better than him, Bananas. Simple Backstory: Mako was born in to a well off family. His parents took him out to almost everything, movies, bands, fancy restaurants, you name it. But he began to think to himself... 'How can I share my experiences with other people?'. He turned to the internet, there were things like Twitter and Facebook, but they wouldn't make a large enough impact. That's when he discovered the golden opportunity. Tumblr. After signing up he began his new online Tumblr career, calling it 'A Dangan Life'. He began to record his experiences with just about anything he did. Followed by pictures, re-blogging and helpful reviews. After a year or so of this he became one of the most loved and famous bloggers. It was a strange day when he received a Message from Hopes Peak Academy. It was really awkward... Why was a school messaging him about joining them? That he should take an entrance exam as the 'Ultimate Hip Blogger'... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [quote=truedevilslicer] I have a question Pudds. Could I make a SHSL lucky character? [/quote] Yes, that would be fine. Just include in the backstory that he/she was selected like Makoto and Nagito were. The draw thing.