[quote=Halo] As I understand it, chickens have been genetically modified so that they lay mostly female eggs. The chickens laying eggs and the chickens we eat in supermarkets are all female. Cocks are comparatively rare, and are mostly for breeding purposes, as their meat tends to be inferior (and no, it wasn't just cold) and they're more aggressive. [/quote] [quote=Raxacoricofallapatorius] My neighbors get a batch of meat chickens every other year, I'm pretty sure they're all male. [/quote] Same with my older neighbors as well, and my grandfather and one of my friends... They had like, 2-5 females and then 20 fucking roosters. As I said, I've looked it up cause I'm a stubborn fuck that loves proving people wrong and the reason they are so rare to see is because they grew to perfect slaughter size in just a few weeks and then are instantly thrown in to die and after a while (A month or so) longer hens shortly follow in as well. EDIT: In other words, Chickens are fucking weird but they taste good.