[i]I[/i] was playing cards against humanity and not paying attention and wound up writing a bit more than intended... [hider=Cen][b]Name[/b]: Cenric Winifred Hargrave [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Race[/b]: Human(Corian) [b]Home[/b]: The Southern Kingdom of Corian; The City of Gard:: The Serpent's Nest The kingdom of Corian is a small island nation governed by a mago-theocratic union of individuals known as The Arc-Mabehn which translates roughly to Arch-Bishops in the common tongue. The common religion of the nation is that of Uliphetism which teaches that at the start of the world it was not men who ruled, but beasts. The teachings claim that beasts were more powerful, more arcane, and wiser than we can begin to imagine, but the early humans stole magic and might, and even intelligence from beasts until they were the dominant race. They left only a handful of the Great Beasts, those who fled to the stars. Greatest of these were Uliphetes the Serpent and Vaen the Bull. Vaen was angry at mankind for taking the power and the purpose of his fellow beasts and sought to destroy us, but Uliphetes was a serpent, and serpents are cunning creatures... they saw some of themselves in the craftiness of man and took mercy on us. Using their wiles Uliphetes tricked Vaen into traveling to the far side of the universe and then coiled himself about the universe to protect us from Vaen's rage, his mighty scales rebuffing the terrible strikes of the great bull's horns for all the millennia since. Following these lessons the people view Uliphetes as a God-like figure, and have built temples in his honor where beasts, specifically serpents, are revered. Furthermore the number one foodstuff of Corian is beef as they have what can almost be considered a religious fervor for the slaying and eating of cows and bulls. The leaders of the nation are the three Arch-Bishops, leaders of temples at the major cities of Gard, Vesperin, and Ehrvin. They communicate by missive and run the nation as a group, promoting the great teachings of Uliphetes; namely those of cunning, magic, and compassion. There is a class system in place in Corian. The religious leaders and their acolytes are at the top, known collectively as Uliber. Then the magi and warriors who are known as Sentir, or guardians, those who join the Order; the military branch of Corian. Thirdly come merchants of all types who are known as Berda. And lastly the commoners who usually wind up in labor, culinary, or construction jobs and are called Kerig. While growing up those who seek to become Uliber are sent to the temples to learn. Those from warrior or mage families who wish to defend the nation are sent to the Serpent's Nests, academies where combat is taught alongside general studies. Berda are usually enrolled in trade schools at a young age, leaving the regular schools to the Kerig. Regardless of class the people of Corian are encouraged, though not forced, to create a bond with one of the Ul-Serpentes; the white snakes who legends rumor are the children of Uliphetes. These small serpents form lifelong bonds with the people of Corian, using them for warmth and providing protection and companionship in return. The creatures are believed sacred and live roughly 13 to 15 years. Commonly a human will bond with two to three generations of one serpent's lineage. The people of Corian view the Labyrinth with equal parts awe and distaste. Its magical artifacts hold great power, and they value power; but the uncertainty and the un-living nature of the place perturbs them. As their power, their magic, and their culture is derived from the living; from men and beasts, the idea of items of such power being borne of a place rather than a being doesn't mesh well with their religion. In the manner of all people of intellect many from Corian work around their dislike and mistrust of the place, knowing its value and hoping that Uliphetes will bless them with cunning enough to succeed where others have failed. The higher casts of Corian have little to do with the other nations; their focus is on the internal running of the nation, and its protection. As such it is left to the Berda to forge the majority of the nation’s bonds and relations with other places; they do this primarily by trade. Corian is ore-rich, and their jewelers are keen businessmen, knowing when to push a price and when to back down even in major trades. Furthermore the nation has a large bounty of both cattle and salt, which is happily ships to other places in return for cloth, spices, and fresh fruits of which it has fairly little. For the most part these dealings have made the place a number of fond friends throughout their neighboring nations, and when forced to act on a bigger scale the Arch-Bishops are keen negotiators. Their projected stance is ever one of peace, yet like the great beast to whom they give praise they keep their fangs ever-sharp and in dealings with smaller or weaker nations are always looking for the right time to strike. [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing at 6'4 Cen is a tall, broad-shouldered, and somewhat imposing individual. His body is fit, and strong, his limbs long, and his build that of a rough and tumble athlete. This is entirely in contrast to everything else about him. Nearsighted and awkward in his own body Cen wears thick square glasses with dark-green rims, and wears clothing that speaks to his position not as a warrior or an athlete, but a mage; specifically a mage of the Order of Uliphetes. His usual dress consists of dark colored pants and a gray tunic underneath the gaudy coat of a First Tier mage of the Order; a tacky wide-lapelled ensemble of deep deep grey with green and silver piping and the symbol of the order emblazoned on the back, namely the twisting serpent Uliphetes who the order believes is God. The back of his hands, his wrists, and his arms bear the brands of his order, magically scrawled tattoos which are used as a focus for the inherent magic of an individual. Beyond these he bears one other tattoo, though this one is done in natural ink, a small word written between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand... The name of his little sister only two years hence. Since her passing his amber eyes have looked weary, and large bags have formed beneath. While he could have been deemed moderately attractive before with his fit body and strong jaw his eyes just make him look tired, and this appearance is supported by the unkempt and unmanaged state of his hair. While it wouldn't be obvious at first sight his body does hold one notable scar, the mark left on his stomach by a knife during his first month with the order, during which time the class underwent an attack from an oppositional group known as the Fellowship of Vaen. The cut has healed well enough, but the scar is unlikely to fade in his lifetime. All this in mind, however, it is likely that the first thing people would usually notice about him is not actually he himself but the white-scaled serpent Dian whose head seems to pop out of his sleeves or his collar when people approach him, though this obviously wouldn't be the case in the Labyrinth. [b]Personality[/b]: At a glance most people would consider Cenric cold, jaded, and shut-off due to his weary and somewhat intimidating appearance. This, however, could not be further from the truth. Cen, unfortunately or not, fits well into the stereotype of a gently giant. He is friendly, caring, and hospitable to any who give him the time of day. While he can be a bit morbid at times due to his somewhat less than pleasant background he is never intentionally mean or startling, and can in fact be quite soft-spoken, leading people to pay close attention when he does raise his voice. [b]Spells[/b]: Cen is still at the First Tier of Magic, and as such only knows a handful of spells. This is primarily due to the fact he transferred from the Order's warrior branch late into his studies, when his aptitude for magic was deemed greater than that for the sword. [i]Derahm ohn Uliphetes[/i]::Skin of Uliphetes(Alt; Skin of the Serpent God) Calling upon the aspect of the Serpent God he can make his skin harden, effectively countering bug-bites, skin contact with flames, or light punches and kicks for as long as he can hold the power. [i]Stremah ohn eht Feli[/i]::Limbs of the Cat His extremities become more dextrous and his extremities more agile, allowing him to quicken his reflexes for small periods of time as he focuses the abilities of a cat through his body. [i]Lacir ohn eht Aven[/i]::Eyes of the Bird If allowed the time and peace for intense focus Cen can call upon the essence of a creature of the air, in his personal case a falcon, and gain a bird's eye view of his surroundings. [i]Sahl ohn eht Embahgar[/i]::Breath of the Dragon Calling on the aspect of the dragon he can exhale a great gout of flame; hot, and dangerous, but easy to follow as he can only release it from his mouth. [i]Ferza ohn eht Canar[/i]:: Claws of the Hound A magical technique invoking the hound that is primarily used by members of the Uliber aiding with agriculture. It makes rends in the earth that spew up dirt and rock, but leave good channels for planting and irrigation. A Third Tier mage can utilize this technique across a wide field, but his range comes down to only a few feet. [b]Weapons[/b]: As a former warrior of the Order he was allowed to keep his warrior's blade, with the express understanding he not carry it about on his person within the Nest unless instructed by a teacher, for a formal event, or on his way to the training grounds. [i]Stel Calcir[/i]:: Steel Fang A short sword of common make given to Warriors of the Order of Uliphetes. [b]Biography[/b]: Every story has multiple versions. There is the truth, first and foremost. Then there is the version that each person in the story knows. Then there is the one they each tell. The story Cenric tells is a simple one. Born and raised in the City of Gard to a Sentir mother and a Berda father he was fairly well off in childhood. His mother trained him in the ways of the sword as well as how to read and write whilst his father taught him metallurgy and the values of precious stones and gems. Together they figured they would ready him for whichever path he decided to follow; that of the warrior, or that of the tradesman, in specific the running of the jewelers. Aside from these he delighted in simple pleasures; playing with his bond-serpent Dian and his sister Eliana, reading books and having them read to him on the occasion he misplaced his glasses, and hanging out at the ocean with his friends. As is to be expected of a man who finds himself born with poor sight he was adept in both the pricing and crafting of gems, or the deft handling of a blade. Thankfully he found during an exam that he had an aptitude for magic that wouldn't be impaired by his vision. His armor was traded in for the First Tier mage's coat and that, as they say, was that. Aside, of course, for the loss of his sister to illness. Though; he talks not at all on that topic... He has decided to venture into the labyrinth in quest of a fortune to call his own. Despite the dangers, despite the risk, and despite the minute chance of success... Because in his free time he has been studying the holy books of his people. He has learned of ancient beasts long since deemed deceased where he comes from. Horned beasts graced with immortality... Birds which died and were reborn time and again. Because if he had the funding he could get his instructors to listen to him, to help him research the creatures, and attempt to call upon their magicks... He could solve Death, and get his sister back.[/hider]