[b]"Of course Sharee. The Boom Stick is more of a personal project, but hopefully once I figure out how it works, I'll be able to share it with you and the rest of the crew. With any luck, I could replace the ballistas with even bigger Boom Sticks."[/b] Taking his journal back Malakaus was just going to sit and wait again when Sharee mentioned his Typhoon Warriors. He wondered how they were taking care of the ship now. While it would be an amusing sight to see the place in utter chaos, it also would realistically not be good for him or the other officers. Still, he trusted that they were taking care of the ship. It broguht a smile to his face as he told Sharee more about them. [b]"Ah yes, my Typhoon Warriors. I'd admit, I didn't really have much hope for them at first. The Orcs, Harasha And Sheol, both lovers and rather reclusive. You never see one without the other too far. Harasha is a better fighter out of the two, but Sheol is a decent Conjuror herself. She's the one who I rely on to get my Fire Salts. I don't know how she does it, but she came make those things linger in our world long enough to get what we want from them, and than poof! Off to Oblivion with them. Makes cleaning up easy. The Argonians are useless in a fight, but they're the ones who helped me figure out the blasting formula, and if they're not doing that they're handling enchanting. They're Three-Horns and Day Ray. I think it was Dar Ray who showed me the formula, I can never tell those two apart sometimes. They bicker a lot though, so maybe having them work separately would be better. And..."[/b] Malakaus sighed when he got to Fletcher. [b]"Than there's the Bosmer. Fletcher. Lying little bastard. I don't know how he managed to make it this far without a dagger in his guts. Fancies himself a dashing swordsman, but he's just a ponce. At least I can make him put his mouth to use, he's been able to get me good deals on soul gems as well as gathering information since we've arrived. And as his name suggest, he can make arrows pretty well too. It's just about the only thing I respect about him."[/b] Malakaus leaned back and thought about his team composition. While he isn't too worried about the two orc women, but the other three would benefit from his Boom Sticks the most. He wasn't sure if he could trust Fletcher with one, but given that Malakaus hasn't killed him yet, he suppose that the bosmer has earned his chance. If nothing else, Malakaus can use him to test out the Boom Sticks first. [b]"Despite their quirks, I think I whipped them into some order of shape. I leave it to Harasha to bark my orders out if I can't do it myself, and Sheol is no push over despite being a mage. I leave it to them to keep the crew in shape, training and what not. Three-Horns is probably the best enchanter next to me and Dar Ray is good with money. He's got a plan for me depending on where our next ports going to be. Says that if he can figure out where we're heading, he can tell me what sort of things I ought to make to trade. An economists, that one. Even Fletcher has a sort of underdog determination that makes me refrain from throwing him overboard. I've beaten him down at least three times since I've met him, but he keeps crawling back to me. I don't know if he plans to stab me in the back when I get to complacent or if he's just that wimpy, but either way I plan to make him work one way or another."[/b] There was a certain amount of pride in his voice. Malakaus himself didn't think much of it, he's made crews out of worse, but considering that he only had them for a week he thought that what he did do with them so far was quite an accomplishment. While he hasn't really commanded their respect, at least they listen to his orders. [b]"Any reason you need them? I planned to put them strait to work once we get back. I want to get my hands on that malachite and moonstone. I'm thinking of making a full set of glass armor, and using the rest of the material to make weapons. Might send Fletcher back to the city to see if he can find someone selling Quick Silver so I have something to do with the excess Moonstone. Of course, that's after we divide our share of the collected loot."[/b]